Chapter Three

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♦︎ Late June/ Early July, 1989 ♦︎

♦︎ We got to bens house and we drop are bikes and head inside. Ben quickly cleans up his room before he had people come in. "Don't freak out, just tell us." Eddie says. "Yeah, I heard he has a roller coaster and a pet chimp, and old guys and fucking bones" Richie says. We all look around the room. "Wow, wow." Richie says. "Cool, huh." Ben says. "No, no, nothings cool." Richie says. "It's cool Ben, it's just Richie here doesn't know how to be nice." I say. "Thanks." Ben says. "What's that." Stan says. "Oh that, that's the charter for Derry township." Ben says. "Nerd alert." Richie says. I try not to laugh. "No it's actually really interesting." Ben says. "Derry started as a beaver trapping camp." Ben says. "Still is, am I right boys." Richie says holding up his hand but no one high fives him. "Ninety one people signed the charter that made Derry, but later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben says. "The entire camp." I say. "There was rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack, everybody just thought it was a plague or something but it was like one day everybody just woke up and left, the only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house." Ben says. "Jesus, we can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Richie says. "Let's do that, you're brilliant." Eddie says. "I might be." Richie says. "Maybe he's just trying to make some friends."
"Where was the well house?" Bill asks. "I don't know, somewhere in town, I guess, why." Ben says. "Nothing." Bill says.

We soon started to get going and go home. "Hey Eddie, I'm going to go with Stan and hang out, I'll be at home in a few." I say. "Okay see you later." Eddie says. I ride my bike and me and Stan go to where we were going. "Bye babe!" Richie shouts. With Eddie. Eddie starts to walk home and he soon passes by the old and dark Nelbort house. He try's to not look at it till his watch goes off. It was time for him to take his pills. He gets one. Then he sees the door creek open. "Eddie." A voice says. "What are you looking for." It says. He starts to walk away and then he drops his pills on the floor. "My moms gonna fucking flip." He says quietly. He starts to pick every single pill off the ground. Then he sees someone's hand pick up the pill. Then he looks up. "Do you think this will help me Eddie." It says. It was a zombie looking person. He gasps and lands on the floor.

He crawls around trying to not get close to it. He gets up and runs. "Help, Help!" He shouts. He falls on the ground. He starts to scream. He is in front of a fence. He turns and sees a clown with a bunch of red balloons. "where you going Ed's." The clown says. "Come join the clown, Ed's, you'll float down here." It says. "We all float down here, Vivian is looking for you." It says. It starts to laugh. Eddie screams in fear. He crawls under the fence where there is a open part. There was a sound of a ballon popping. He turned his back and it was gone. He rushes home.

Back with Vivian
Me and Stanley were hanging out together doing some stuff and then we went to his house for a bit. Then we heard the phone ring. Stan goes to get it. "Hello." He says. "Okay, we'll be there." He says. He hangs up. "Who was it." I say. "It was Beverly, she said something about her needing us and how we need to meet up at house." Stan says. "Did she say why?" I say. "No." Stan says. We go outside and go on are bikes. We soon arrive at Beverly's. "No we gotta go through the alleyway." Stan says. "The alley takes way too long." Eddie says. "No, the alley is so much faster." Stan says. "The alley is more dangerous and it's disgusting." Eddie says. They start to argue about a alley way. "Okay, okay, can you just exactly tell me what she said." Eddie says. "She didn't say anything, she just says that you guys need to hurry over." Stan says. "She didn't say anything." Eddie says. "You made it, I need to show you something. Bev says. "What is it?" Ben says. "More then what we say at the quarry." Richie says. "Just shut up Richie." Eddie says. "My dad will kill me if he find out I had boys in the apartment." Bev says. "W we'll leave a look out, R Richie stay here." Bill says. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, what if her dad comes back?" Richie says. "Do what you always do, start talking." Stan says. "It is a gift." Richie says.

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