Chapter Four

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♦︎ Early July, 1989 ♦︎

♦︎ We headed to a different spot, "So let me get this straight, it comes out from wherever to eat kids for, like, a year, and then what, it just goes into hibernation." Eddie says. "Maybe it's like, Cicadas, you know the bugs that come out every 17 years." Stan says. "My grandfather thinks this town is cursed, he says that all the bad things that happen in than town are because of one thing, an evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry." Mike says. "But it can't be one thing, we all seen something different." Stan says. "Maybe, or it knows what scares us the most and that's what we see." Mike says. "I I saw a leper, he was like a walking infection." Eddie says. "But you didn't because it isn't real, none of this is, not Eddie's leper, or bill seeing Georgie, or the women I keep seeing." Stan says. "Is she hot?" Richie says. "No Richie, she's not hot, her face is all messed up, none of this makes any sense, there all like bad dreams." Stan says. "I don't think so, I know the difference between a bad dream and real life, okay." Mike says.

"What did you see, you saw something." Eddie says. "Yes, do you guys know that burned down house on Harris Avenue, I was inside when it burned down, before I was rescued, and my mom and dad were trapped in the next room over from me, they were pushing and pounding on the door trying to get to me, but it was too hot, and then the firemen finally found them, the skin on their hand had melted down to the bone, were all afraid of something." Mike says. "You got that right." Richie says. "Why rich, what are you afraid of." Eddie says. "Clowns." Richie says. "What did you see V V Vivian." Bill says. "Oh, um." I say. "I seen Eddie, Um, blood was coming out his eyes and mouth and then he passed out on the floor, like he was dead, my um fear is, losing the people I care about the most, and I um, care about my brother the most." I say fidgeting with my fingers. Eddie looks at me. I didn't really want to talk about it because I didn't want to think about it, but my friends told me about there fears so I told them mine.

We were now in bills garage. He put up a map of Derry. We all sat in are seats. "Hey Vi, instead of sitting on that chair you can sit on this d-." Richie says. "Shut up Richie." I say cutting him off. "Look, that's where G G Georgie disappeared, there's the ironworks, and the black spot, everywhere it happens, it's all connected by the sewers." Bill says. "And they all meet up at the." Bill says. "The well house." Ben says. "That's the house on Nelbolt street." Stan says. "You mean that creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep." Richie says. "I hate that place, I always feel like it's watching me" Bev says. Eddies uses his inhaler. "Are you okay Ed's." I say. "That's where I say it, that's where I saw the clown." Eddie says. "T t that's where it lives." Bill says. "I can't imagine anything ever wanting to live there." Stan says. "Can we stop talking about this, I I i can barely breathe, this is summer, we're kids, I can barely breath, I'm up here having a fucking asthma attack." Eddie says. I get up from my seat. I go over to Eddie. "Calm down Eddie, just breath." I say. "I'm not doing this." Eddie says. He takes the map down.

"What the hell, put the map back." Bill says. "Mmm, Mmm." Eddie says. The projector starts to go off. "What's happening, is it supposed to do this." I say. "What's going on." Stan says. The projector goes through different pictures. It stops at a picture of bill's family. It zooms in on Georgie. "Georgie." Bill says. "Bill." Stan says. We all look as the pictures soon zoom in and move around. It zooms in to his mother. Soon her face turns into a clown, the clown some of us seen. "What the fuck!" Richie says. "It's It." Bill says. We all getting scared. "Turn it off!" Bev says. "Turn it off!" I yell. Mike kicks it. It is still on and it shows the clown. Then it disappeared. Then the clown appears in front of us but larger. We all scream. It soon goes close to Beverly. "Open the fucking garage door!" I yell. Ben rushes to open the door. We are all out of breath from screaming. "It saw us, and it knows where we are." Eddie says. "It always did, s s so let's go." Bill says. "Go, go where?" Ben says. "Neibolt, that's where g g Georgie is." Bill says. "After that." Stan says. "Yeah it's summer, we should be outside." Richie says. "If you say it's summer one more time." Bill says. Bill runs off to his bike. He goes to Neilbolt. "Bill, wait." Bev says. I go to my bike. "Where are you going." Eddie says. "I can't see bill go and what if something happens to him, he's are friend." I say. I ride off trying to catch up with bill. "Bill wait up." I say. He drops his bike. "If your here to stop me, I I am not going to listen." Bill says.

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