
709 18 10

Warning ⚠️🔞: 18+ scenes in this episode (SMUT) there will be another warning

"Beomie, where are you taking me?" Taehyun giggled as Beomgyu led him somewhere blindfolded.

The older chuckled and squeezed his hand gently. "We're almost there Hyunnie, don't worry." He said, helping him up the small hill and down the path way.

After a bit more walking, Beomgyu and Taehyun stopped. The older removed the blindfold and Taehyun looked around at the beautiful lake in front of him with a couple lanterns surrounding a picnic blanket with a basket in the middle. He gasped and looked up at his boyfriend.

"Beomie it's so pretty here! When did you do all this?" He asked, walking over to the picnic basket to look inside. "Strawberries!!" He said with a smile as he pulled out the small container of his favorite fruit, ignoring the other contents of the basket which were sandwiches and chips.

Beomgyu chuckled and sat down next to Taehyun on the blanket and pulled him into his lap as the boy opened the container and started eating. "Ahhhh these are so good"

"I'm glad you like them. I got them while thinking about you~" Beomgyu said.

Taehyun giggled and continued eating.

"Hyunnie, can I have one?" He asked with a smile. Taehyun nodded and held up the strawberry to his mouth. Beomgyu grabbed the fruit and put it in Taehyun's mouth. The boy was about to question him until the older kissed him. The younger wrapped his arms around him and kissed back, blushing slightly.

After pulling away, Beomgyu chuckled and rubbed the boy's back who was hiding his face in his chest. "Hey, our food will get eaten by bugs if we don't eat it baby" he said, softly patting his bum

With a nod, Taehyun turned around and started eating his food while he sat on Beomgyu's lap comfortably, said male joining him in eating as well.


"Wahhhh I'm stuffed~" Beomgyu hummed, rubbing his stomach happily. Taehyun smiled at him while putting the trash inside the picnic basket.

Beomgyu suddenly got up and stretched before pulling his shirt off and unbuckling his belt to take off his pants, just leaving him in his underwear. Taehyun blushed and gasped at the action, looking away.

"Hyung! What are you doing???" He asked, looking around to make sure no one was in this part of the small forest, trying to avoid looking at Beomgyu.

The older chuckled and went over to the lake and jumped in, coming back up after a second and pushing his hair back with his hands to look at Taehyun, who was staring at him with wide eyes and lips parted like he usually has them when zoned out.

"Hyunnieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ why don't you come in too? It's perfect temperature!" He encouraged. The younger thought about it before nodding slowly. Beomgyu turned around to give the boy some privacy since he knows he doesn't like people watching him change.

Taehyun set his phone and stuff down on top of Beomgyu's stuff and started undressing as well, putting his clothes in the pile as well before getting in the water and swimming over to his boyfriend and hugging him gently.

Beomgyu turned around and hugged back while looking at him. "You're so pretty Taehyun-ah." Taehyun looked at Beomgyu and smiled softly.

"Thank you Beomie." He said softly. Beomgyu nodded and hummed before he got an idea, pulling away from Taehyun a bit before going underwater. The younger male giggled as he tried to guess where Beomgyu was.

He felt something touch his foot, then his butt, which he squealed at, before Beomgyu came back up and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed back happily, wrapping his arms around the brunette's neck as they slowly went under the water, holding each other close.

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