021 ⎯⎯ The Real-Time Midlife Crisis

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— act two, scene eleven: the real-time midlife crisis

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act two, scene eleven: the real-time midlife crisis


     Megara felt crinkles in her forehead form as she joined the rest of her cast members in their small group, following the sound of firefighters working in the room and the smell of smoke.  The day was like any other — she came to school sporting jeans and a cream-colored crew neck complete with a pair of dusty red Converse and her hair in two braids, expecting nothing exciting or eventful to happen.  She recognized a head of curls quickly and noted he was standing by some of the other guys from the club.  She pulled one of her dark blue earbuds out of its place, the sound of Frank Ocean getting quieter as she tried to focus on what was going on.

     "Fire ripped through half of your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets.  I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least," one of the firefighters explained.

     "Did she just say costumes?" Kourtney asked in disbelief.

     "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Kourtney," Megara said in a sincere voice, placing a hand on the girls shoulder in the most comforting way that she could.

     "Okay.  Okay, listen up.  Hug your neighbor, take a moment, and let's reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options," Miss Jenn instructed.  "Nini and Ricky, spread the word."

     "Got it," Nini was the first to understand and nod.  "Yeah, of course."

     "Ricky?" Miss Jenn tried to get his attention.  "Ricky?"

     "Huh?" everyone turned to Ricky as it had been obvious that he wasn't paying attention.   "Sorry.  After school in the cafeteria.  Got it," he finally nodded.  Megara pressed her lips together and held back a sigh.  So much for an uneventful day.

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     "He spent the night?"

     On the way to the cafeteria after learning about the fire that took place, Megara couldn't help but spill some details about her Thanksgiving break to her friends, especially to Rita who hadn't been there to see it all happen.

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