003 ⎯⎯ Love Is Dead

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— act one, scene three: love is dead

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act one, scene three: love is dead


     Lots had changed since.  And I mean, lots.

     "What do you mean, breaking up?" Megara held up her phone, the lit-up screen facing the boy in front of her, just in case he needed reminding of the awkward text he sent the girl that morning while she had been scarfing down her second bowl of Cocoa Puffs. 


     "I mean it's over," Isaiah said simply, barely even acknowledging the girl in front of him as he transferred books in and out of his locker.  Megara understood the rush, there were only a couple minutes to get to each class, but she was surprised.  She wouldn't past him to play off a breakup so cooly, but by text? 

     This was a new LOW.

     Megara unintentionally pouted, which she hated doing because she thought it made her look like she was trying too hard.  But Megara just wanted answers.  The loose sleeves of her soft knit shirt touched her jean-clad thighs softly as she swung her arms past them in a careless manner.  "Well, why?"

     "It's just not working out, not right now," he said, this time not looking at her once.

     Megara was quiet for a moment, watching as other students passed their lockers, unaware of the couple breaking up seeing as there was no fight, no tears, and no yelling.  "What do you mean, not right now?"

     "I mean, not today.  Not this week.  Not anytime soon," he said harshly as he stuffed notebooks into his backpack roughly, causing one or two of them to bend.

     "Okay... so, that's it then?  That's how you're gonna do this?" she asked, and when he didn't answer, she sighed.  "Hate to say it, but I expected more from you," she pulled her backpack string to make it tighter around her shoulders. 

    GOOD TALK! she thought.

     "Yo, Nini! What's good?" a freakishly annoying voice said cheerfully. 


     "Hey.  Can we talk?" he asked her.

Recap! So like, after I helped with Nini that boss song for Ricky, where she told him how she felt, apparently he didn't say the same back?  Or something?  But then she and I got into it even before that, which is kind of a whole other story but also not really but whatever. 

Since we all split up, Savannah was out of town visiting her grandma, Rita Alvarez and her little sister moved back which is like, the first time anything like that's happened honestly.  But Rita spent the summer working, like, all the time, so I spent my summer at the skate park or at aunt Carmen's cafe.  Nini went to her camp, and not long after, Ej and Savannah broke up.

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