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𝅗𝅥 : Minim

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𝅗𝅥 : Minim.
In music, a half note or minim is a note played for half the duration of a whole note and twice the duration of a quarter note.



Hey there C:

Ive been off on the writing for a while now lmao.

But im back jsbjsbsh

AAAAnd I changed the cover as well :)

AAAAnd I changed the cover as well :)

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(Here's a closer look)

Looks kinda S P O O K Y , don't it ',:/

Don't wanna spoil the storyline YET- eheh

Ya snoopers ;)


Back to the storyline <3


I kept bugging the captain to duck down behind the grape bushes as there were people roaming around, but he kept refusing.
"I would rather not ruin my outfit with grape stains."
I rolled my eyes, slowly standing up as he did.
"You probably stain that outfit the same way every time you get drunk, for all you know."

"Besides, how do you know its safe to just strut through a private winery to get to Liyue Harbor?"
I whispered rather loudly, obviously annoyed by the mans carelessness.
"I used to reside here, some time ago." The man bluntly replied, eyeing the winery.
My eyes widened, as I scoffed.
"Well you should have told me that, before you let me sneak around like an idiot! You- You idiot!"

The captain just simply laughed, brushing it off as he continued to strut toward a path heading out of the winery area, and onto the road leading to Liyue.
"Wait, what do you mean you used to reside there-?" I questioned, catching up with the man, struggling to not trip over various obstacles.
"I'd rather not give you a complete background check until we've grown a little closer~" He flirted.

I ended up gagging in response, looking away for a few minutes before continuing to discuss our route.
"There should be a hotel or inn closer to where we are. Well, that's at least what I saw on my map I used to get to Mondstadt."

"It's funny, you know."
"That you came all the way from— wherever, to settle in Mondstadt, but here we are, attempting to sail to Inazuma to retrieve a 'priceless vision'"
You elbowed him in the arm, offended by his rude comment. "A vision is priceless. You would realize that if you didn't always ignore yours."
As soon as we left the winery area, I immediately felt something was wrong, as if we were being watched.


I was blown into the air due to an explosion, gravity quickly pulling me down as I collapsed onto the dirt road.
The sound of hilichurls "HEUU-ing" and "YARR-ing" echoed from my ears as the sound of battle was heard soon after. At first I could hear the sound of ice, which easily could have been the cavalry captain, but then, I heard something even more unusual. The sound of flames. And no, not the sound of explosions, or fire arrows, or a blazing axe mitachurl, this was different.

A vision wielder.
As the sound of monsters died out, I heard the cavalry captain bickering with someone. I felt well enough to get up at the time, so I rubbed my head in pain as I stood up.
"I would have done perfectly fi- Oh hey there~ How was your mid-fight beauty sleep?~" The blue haired man teased, as I scoffed and approached the two men.

"So who's this guy." I grumbled, pointing to the redheaded dude who had suddenly appeared during the combat.
The cavalry captain chuckled. "Well you'll be glad to know that this particular man, is the most-"

The man interjected, still looking at me menacingly, in which I furrowed my brows in response. He looked particularly gloomy for a person with a pyro vision..

"Protecting your precious winery from pesky monsters, I see?" The Captain teased, as the redhead just crossed his arms and glared.
He then turned to me, and asked, "Are you okay? That explosion hit you pretty bad."

My eyes widened, not thinking that the man would talk, but still raised my hands in surrender. "No, no, I'm totally fine, thanks."
The captain then stated, "We will be taking our leave, thank you." As I felt a tug on my arm.

Not only until I looked down did I realize he had took my hand.

"Where are you guys heading?" The pyro user looked at our contact, then looking up at the captain as he spoke.
"Well, we're heading to Liyue to obtain this girl's precious stolen vision."
I kicked him in the shin.
"Ow-! Hey, don't you-"
"Don't say that in public, you idiot!"
I whisper-shouted, glaring at him.
"Oh, sorry~ I didn't know you hated being humiliated~"
Could he just shut up..

"Let's just go, please."
"Yes ma'am~"
We then began to walk along the path, leaving the pyro user to question what he just saw.
"Did you know that guy?" I questioned.
"Well, he is my horrible adoptive brother."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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