The Fasttrack and the Furious (Part 1)

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It was the second day of their road trip, and Grandpa decided to drive to a place called Vale's Road Race. It's a race competition, rules are:
1. Must need any vehicle to drive.
2. If the car is severely damaged, you are eliminated.
3. You can damage other cars, but if the driver is hurt, then you are disqualified.
4. Whoever comes first place until the end of the lap wins.

Ren: like a demolition derby?

Devlin: Isn't this illegal?

Grandpa Max: Surprisingly, no. The owner of this race signed legal paper work to proper authorities.

Devlin: Welp, I'm gonna get some grub, Ren wanna come?

Ren: Sure. Grandpa can we?

Grandpa Max: Just don't get lost.

Ren and Devlin went to get some grub from one of the food stalls. Devlin bought a corndog and Ren bought popcorn.

Devlin: It ain't much, but at least it's better than Grandpa's cooking.

Ren: Got that right.

While they were eating, a girl came by to them.

???: Hey, may I ask you two something?

They turned around to see a blonde girl with long hair, who's looks like the same age as Devlin.

They turned around to see a blonde girl with long hair, who's looks like the same age as Devlin

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Devlin: Sure what is- wait.... Yang?

Yang: Devlin?

Ren: .....You two know each other?

The two looked at each other and looked at the monkey boy.

Devlin/Yang: Classmates.

Ren blinked twice, shrugs it off and continued eating his popcorn.

Ren: So are you gonna ask something?

Yang: Oh right. Have you seen my sister? Short, cute and wears a red cape.

Devlin: Sorry Yang, but haven't see a girl like that.

Ren: Maybe we should-

All of a sudden they heard someone screaming-

???: WEEEEEE!!!!!!

Journey around Remnant: Vale And Vacuo Arc (RWBY X Ben 10 X OC)Where stories live. Discover now