The Attack of The Krakken (Part 2)

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Ren: What am I supposed to do with this?

Ren said, while looking at his hands. In which a small sparkle of water sprayed out of it.

Ren: That's it? I'M A LIVING WATER GUN?!? Alright Ren-Ren, calm down, calm down.

Devlin: Ren-Ren? Isn't that my little sister's nickname for you?

Ren: Not important. Here goes nothing for Water Hazard.

Devlin: I prefer OverFlow.

Ren: I'm not using that.

He tried to do HeatBlast's propulsion move, which worked but it was a huge stream of water and went to the sinking boat. He then ripped a hole so the crew can escape, but then he saw crates and tried to lift them but failed.

Water Hazard: What's inside of these crates anyway?

He opened one of them using all of his strength. Inside of which confused him.

Water Hazard: What are these? Shells? Marbles?

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Water Hazard: What are these? Shells? Marbles?

But before he could question himself, the same tentacles the night before tried to grab him once again, but was stopped by Water Hazard's 'water whip' who he learn quickly.

Water Hazard: I can do that? What else can this guy do? disembodied voice what else can Water Hazard do?

???: Orishan? I'm not helping you this time.

Water Hazard sighed, but not before swam up and carrying one of the eggs. Before he reach the top however, he saw a symbol on the crates he opened and he was shocked.

 Before he reach the top however, he saw a symbol on the crates he opened and he was shocked

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Water Hazard: White Fang?!?

Devlin and Max are helping the crew dry themselves. Devlin handed Jonah a towel, who took it with a smile.

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