twenty five

395 15 1

Flora had only heard from her parents once since last November. It was in May, a phonecall from wherever they were telling her that her cousin Carnelia would be shipped off to live with her.

This didn't raise any issues, other than the reason that she was sent there. Hawkins was a fresh start for the girl, an avid druggie and metal head sent to be 'reformed' by her 'perfect' cousin.

This was heavily amusing to Flora, as the girl was not perfect, having fought monsters and did her own share of drugs. Not that the Emery parents even cared.

It was now October, nearing Halloween and Carnelia wasn't the only new kid on the block.

Parked in the Hawkins High School parking lot, Flora had finally gotten used to driving her own car, driving Carnelia (and often Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and now Will) to school and other places.

She and Steve had ditched the parking space beside Tommy's, instead parking side by side on the other end of the lot. He often drove Nancy, their romantic getaways interrupting Flora and Steve's morning karaoke. Not that Flora minded too much.

As the car engine died down, Flora turned to look at Carnelia, who was sitting carelessly in the passenger seat.

"Listen, Lia. If anyone tries to sell you drugs or if you hear about any dealers, do not go to them. I know my sources, okay?"

Lia rolled her eyes at her cousin, who was only a month older than her. "Flora, I get it. Trusty sources."

"My guy is a trusty source!" Flora defended, "But don't get high in the school bathrooms."

"Only at home." Carnelia nodded in understanding, "I'm not as drugged out as it seems, y'know."

"Oh, I know," Flora began teasingly, "just making sure you don't OD anywhere."

"Yeah, yeah, love you too Flora."

With that the Emery cousins left their car, their attention falling onto someone who had drawn all of the attention.

A blonde boy strutted out of a blue camaro, dressed in blue denim. He was definitely from another state, Flora noted as most of the women in the area ogled at the sight.

"Okay then." Lia shrugged off the boy's dramatic entrance, turning to Flora. "Do I look alright?"

Carnelia was dressed in an oversized Iron Maiden tee and shorts which were hidden under the shirt. She had large boots on her feet and tights to cover her legs in the Autumnal weather.

"Yeah, you're fine."

Nothing interesting happened again in the school until the mid morning break, where Tina was handing out flyers for her Halloween party.

"Here you go, Flora, Lia." Tina handed the bright orange flyers to the girls, "Hope to see you both there!"

Flora chuckled, looking the ghost on the flyer and the title of 'Come and get sheet faced.'

"Oh, we will be!" Flora exclaimed as the pair put the flyers away into their bags, a certain Harrington boy meeting up with them, grinning.

"So, the party?" He began, looking between the girls.

"Naturally." Walking through the halls, Steve was directing them to the locker of one Nancy Wheeler, who was most likely to be walking beside her new best friend Jonathan Byers.

As they approached, they overheard Nancy's words which were aimed at Jonathan. "I mean, who knows, you might even, like, meet someone."

Steve grabbed Nancy from behind, lifting the girl into the air as she squealed. "Oh, my God!" The Wheeler turned around, seeing Steve in his sunglasses. "Take those stupid things off."

He did as Nancy said, smiling softly. "I missed you."

Nancy rolled her eyes, "It's been like an hour."

"Tell me about it." Steve muttered as he and Nancy began to make out against the lockers, earning a sour look from Jonathan, an eye roll from Flora, and an offended scoff from Carnelia.

"Hello? Nancy? What are we? Roaches?" The younger Emery questioned loudly, her cousin elbowing her with a chuckle.

"No, but she's got loads of friends but only one Steve."

Once Nancy and Steve eventually pulled away, Flora looked to Nancy with an expectant gaze.

"So, do you still want me at dinner with the Hollands tonight?"

Nancy denied. "No, it's okay. Steve's coming and we don't want to overcrowd  them." Her eyes then drifted to where Jonathan was standing, watching as he walked away silently.

"What's up with him?" Carnelia loudly asked, oblivious to what was going on.

She only received shrugs in response. The bell soon rang for class, the four splitting as Steve wasn't in their grade, Nancy had math, Carnelia had physics and Flora had art.

Flora had never really enjoyed art until this year, and that was due to the teacher. But now there was a new teacher and hopefully a more enjoyable lesson.

And it only got better when she found out that the seats had changed, and so she wasn't stuck next to some asshole on the basketball team who just wanted to get into her pants.

She had been situated at an easel at the back corner of the classroom, a boy beside her with darkened skin and short hair. Then her eyes widened, seeing the all-too-familiar logo on his shirt.

"You're in Hellfire." Flora noted, looking over to the boy.

He hesitantly made eye contact with Flora. "Yeah, I am. And I'm proud of it."

She assumed the boy took the wrong impression. "Oh, no, I don't think you're a freak or anything for playing D&D. I know Eddie and some kids who play. I'm Flora. Flora Emery."

The boy relaxed at learning Flora was not going to bully him for liking D&D. "I'm Jeff."

The pair continued to talk quietly throughout the noisy art classroom, painting a nature setting assigned by their teacher.

"So, how'd you know Eddie?" Jeff later questioned, voice filled with curiosity.

"Oh, well, I usually hang in the basement and just began bumping into him. I'm also his biggest buyer, if y'know what I mean."

Jeff did know what she meant, laughing. "You, best friend of Steve Harrington, do not seem the type to be a stoner."

With a bright smile, Flora continued her painting. "I'll take that as a compliment. It was Eddie's offer what got me into it anyway."

"Have you met anyone else in Hellfire?"

"Nope, just the two of you." Flora shrugged.

"Well, that's halfway," Jeff pointed out, "You just haven't met Gareth and Grant. Gareth is a sophomore and Grant's a junior like us."

"Okay, so, are all of y'all as annoying as Eddie though? Because that idiot does not shut up sometimes."

"Uh, I'm sorry, is that an attack on this conversation?" Jeff wondered, taken aback.

"Nope, sorry, it was just a question!" Flora half yelled, nudging Jeff with her elbow.

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