A Promise To Isabela

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September 21st. 12:00am.

Day 3

Frank was sat on a small box, looking at his watch anxiously as if he were on sitting in a restaurant waiting for his date to arrive.
The clock had struck 12:03am and he sighed. Had she stood him up? Lord? She promised she'd meet him at midnight. He thought to himself that he was just being impatient. When it hit the ten minuet mark, then he'd get worried.

Just as these questions were crossing his mind, a noise was heard from outside the room he was sitting in.
  His head snapped up and the doors burst open.
  Isabela screamed as a male zombie had pushed her to the ground and mounted her. It's mouth snapping at her throat.

Frank got to his feet and hurried over to the zombie, grabbing it by the shoulders and throwing it across the room. He approached the zombie and slammed his knife that he got off of the dead cultist directly into its eye. Blood erupted from its eye hole the second he removed the knife, covering his hand in its red and black, coagulated blood.

Frank noticed a large, gaping wound on Isabela's arm, blood seeping out of it.
  "We're you bitten?" He asked, concerned.

"No." She faintly replied. Her face was as white as a sheet of A4 paper. "It was Carlito... I tried to talk him into coming, but it was no good. He doesn't trust anyone." She said, sounding as if she were on the verge of tears.

"He shot you?!"

"He didn't mean to. He was upset." She replied. She sounded like a victim of domestic abuse. Which, Frank supposed she kinda was.

Frank helped her to her feet. "I don't know what he will do next." She weakly stated, collapsing in Frank's arms.

"Hey! Hey!" Frank said, trying to hold her steady. "Damn!"
  Frank picked Isabela up and threw her over his shoulders, knowing he will have to give her a piggyback ride all the way back to the security room.

As soon as Frank left the room, Carlito's voice could be heard over the Mall's intercom.
"Isabela! I'm so sorry... I never meant to shoot you."
"Yeah, sure you didn't, dickhead." Frank hissed, pushing his way past zombies. Kicking them out the way and dodging their lunges until he made it out into the leisure park.
"Now I've gone and hurt you... please... forgive me... please come back to me!" Carlito's voice echoed through the entire Mall.
"I know you can hear me, Isabela! I'm sorry you had to get wrapped up in all this." Carlito lamented. "But you know... you know I'm right. Come back to me, Isabela! There are still things you need to do! I can't do this without you! Please..."

The intercom shut off by the time Frank had reached the Paradise Plaza and he silently celebrated the fact that Carlito had finally shut up. Trying to tell himself it was an accident. That he didn't mean it.

Whilst carrying Isabela throughout the Paradise Plaza and to the warehouse, Frank was thankful that he had dealt with the cultists when he did. As now, all he had to avoid were zombies. Which, during his time at the Mall, had become predictable.


Otis' eyes widened along with Greg's when they saw Frank carrying Isabela.
"Who is this?" Otis asked.
"Isabela. Trust me when I tell you pal, it's a really long story. But I'll keep it brief. She tried to kill me, I talked her down, her brother caused all this and shot her. Now she's here."

Otis stood silent for a minuet.
"I'm glad I'm not you, buddy. I'm too old for all that crap." Otis said. Frank and Greg chuckled.

When entering the monitor room, Jessie and Brad turned to see Frank carrying Isabela.

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