C H A P T E R 5

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"Rick she needs blood" the women Maggie tells him. Rick gets up and goes to her. When he walks in there his first baby is laying there crying and groaning.

Hershel looks at Shane and says "you hold her down" Shane rushes up to the young girl he considers his niece. He holds her down.

"Dad" Bailey yells out. Carl is looking at his older sister in worry. He is scared and crying.

"I got her" Shane says. As Shane is holding her down Hershel is trying to get the bullet fragments out as Bailey is yelling in pain.

"Almost there" Hershel says. Rick keeps looking back at his daughter.

"Stop! Your killing her!" Rick yells out of worry for his little girl. As Hershel continues he says "Rick do you want her to live?" Patricia then says "she needs blood" Shane then yells out "do it now!" Then Patricia puts the IV in Rick's arm and sets up the blood that Bailey needs.

Bailey then stops crying and she passes out. Rick looks back at her worried. Shane looks down at her scared that something happened to her.

Wait. Wait. Hey." Shane says by looking at Hershel. "she just passed out" hershel tells them.

"One down. Five to go" Hershel says.

Bailey is laying there still passed out. "Pressures stable" Hershel says as he is checking her blood pressure. Carl looks at his dad. "We need to get mom" he says as he is still worrying for his older sister.

Rick nods his head to his son. "Lori needs to be here. She doesn't even know what's going on. I gotta go find her and bring her back." Ricks says as he is still giving blood to his daughter.

"You can't do that."

"She's her mother. She needs to know what's happened. Her daughters lying here shot"

"And she's going to need more blood" Hershel tells him. "He can't go more than 50 feet from this bed" Hershel says.

They then start talking about getting Lori at the farm. Rick is still worrying about his little girl. He can't believe that she actually got shot.

"She's out of danger for the moment. But I need to remove those remaining fragments" Hershel says as he walks out of the room Bailey is in.

"How? You saw how she was" Rick tells him.

"I know, and that was the shallowest one. I need to go deeper to get the others." Hershel says. He then continued" there's more" he says.

"Tell me" Rick says looking at Hershel in the eyes.

"Her belly's distended, her pressure is dropping, which means there is internal bleeding. A fragment must have nicked one of the blood vessels. I have to open her up, find the bleeder and stitch it. And she can't move while I'm in there. I mean, at all. If she acts the same as before, I'll sever an artery and she'll be dead in minutes. To even try this, I have to put her under. But if I do, she won't be able to breathe on her own. Same bad results." Hershel finishes.

"What'll it take?" Rick asked.

"You'll need a respirator" Otis says walking up to Rick.

"What else?"

"The tube that goes with it, extra surgical supplies, drapes, sutures." Hershel replies.

"If you had all that you could save her?"

"If I had all that, I could try."

They then start discussing who is going. When Shane says what he will go by himself. Otis speaks up and says that he can go as well. Patricia looks at her husband in worry. Maggie then comes up to Rick.

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