Chapter 22(Final)

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~Baekhyun's pov~

"Nice" Someone familiar came out clapping

"Chanyeol?" I stood up "Hy" he waved "What are you doing here?" "Oppa?" Mina came running to me "Mina!" I huged her "Haven't you figured it out yet?" he asked "You're the culprit?" "And bingo was his namo" "Why?" I was still confused "You don't remember do you?" "Remember what?" "I'll explain everything,first nice to see you again Mina now I'm sure Baekhyun has already told you about the fire accident so I'll continue from there...

after the accident Baekhyun became an orphan now in that orphan there were a few big kids who liked to bully little kids and so Baekhyun was bullied as well untill let's say a chingu came and helped him so from then on they helped the little kids and everything was great...untill the big kids did something setting the orphanage on fire,people ran out but some kids were still stuck in there so Baekhyun and his chingu helped them,just as they thought everyone was out a litlle girl was still in there so they wanted to go in but it was too dangerous so

Baekhyun said not to go in since they might not make it out but that didn't stop his chingu who ran in and tried to save that girl and in the end Baekhyun was right the building blew up and his chingu died that day...but you know what was his name something like commander?" my eyes widened "How does he know his nickname" "Of course I survived because when I tried to save that girl the building was collapsing making a wall between us so I had no choice but to run out and so I survived and I also heard the girl did too" he looked at Mina

"The girl was you" I looked at Mina who was speechless "You must've forgotten the bad memory but when I saw you I knew it was you so I made this game to bring us together"

~Mina's pov~

I started remembering the event...


I was at an orphanage ever since my parents died in a car accident.I was playing with my friends two best friend:Commander and captain,we made nicknames for ourselves so even if we seperated we would still recognize each other and I was princess.Suddenly people started screamina and running out "What's going on?" I asked "The building is on fire everybody run!" they yelled "Come on let's go" Chanyeol and Baekhyun helped some kids and thought I was already out but I was too scared to run so I stayed in there

untill Chanyeol came "Hurry princess come!" Chanyeol yelled sticking out his hand for me to grab and so I did but the building started comming down slowly "Go commander!" I yelled knowing that we wouldn't come out in time together "No I won't leave you!" but before he could say anything else I pushed him and a wall was build infront of us.

It was getting harder to breathe and soon I collapsed untill I heard yelling "Princess!" I slowly opened my eyes and saw Baekhyun screaming my name trough a hole "Captain..." I closed my eyes again...the next thing I know is I'm at a hospital,I returned back to the new orphanage when I healed but there was no sign of Commander or Captain anywhere,I got afopted after that and as I grew I forgot everything...

"I remember" I said quietly but loud enough for them to hear me"I remember you..." I pointed at Baekhyun "You were Captain" then I pointed at Chanyeol "And he was Commander we were best friend"Chanyeol smiled "Yes you finally remember" "It's time to give up Chanyeol you're under arrest" Baekhyun said taking out his handcuffs "What are you talking about the game is not over yet" he ran out "Quickly get him!" we ran after him but he already drove away "Quickly get in the car!" we drove after him.

~Baekhyun's pov~

"Hurry call Suho and tell them where we are" I told Mina "Okay" she started calling as I chased after him untill we reached an old building "Wait here" I told her "No we're all entangled in this" she protested running after him "Aish" I ran in as well "Just give up the police will be here soon" I said as we went in the bulding "Even trough the friendship you still choose justice" Chanyeol laughed "He's right you can't get away with all the sins you did" Mina said "It's getting late let's end this" he grabed Mina by the waist and pointed a gun at her "Chanyeol!" I yelled "I missed the nicknames let's talk in those Captain" I took out my gun and pointed it at him "Commander please stop" Mina said tears slowly appearing "Now this reminds me of the old times when we used to play like this the game was only over when one died so who do you think it'll be this time?" he smiled "Chanyeol just stop" "Eyy come on use nicknames" "Commander just stop don't go this far we can still go back to those times " I tried convincing him "No it's already to late so let's finish this"

~Mina's pov~

"No it's already too late so let's finish this" I closed my eyes and heard a gunshot...I expected to feel pain but all I heard was a thud behind me...

~Baekhyun's pov~

He pointed the gun towards his stomach and shot "Chanyeol!" I yelled running to him "Chanyeol!" Mina bended down,tears slided down all our cheeks "Game over..." he smiled "Shut up!...Mina call the ambulance!" I held his head in one hand and in the other pushing down on his wound to prevent too much bleeding "D-do you s-s-still remember the m-m-meaning behind our n-n-n-nicknames?" we noded "Me too I-I-I was C-comander cause I-I-I comanded j-j-justice" he looked at me "I was Captian cause I led unjustice to justice" "And I was Princess cause I was the fairest" we all chuckeld "I'm s-s-sorry f-f-for this..." he put his hand on the wound "Aish this hurts" he closed his eyes in pain and opened them again "I know
t-t-this s-s-suck but I t-t-think I'll h-h-have to go guys I'll mis" he closed his eyes and his hand slided down hitting the ground "Commander!!" I shaked him "Wake up!" Mina cried yelling next to me "Oppa" she looked up and I saw Chanyeol standing right infront of us "Chanyeol" we stood up "I'm really sorry for this I'll wait fo you guys...Comander out" he saluted before he slowly disappeard into the sky "Huh?gold?" I asked as wind blew him away as gold "I know where he's going" Mina said leaning her head on my shoulder crying

"I love you"I huged her"I love you too" she burried her face into my chest crying "Don't worry he'll be okay" I rested my chin on her head crying as well.

Few months later...

~Mina's pov~

"Congratulations on becoming an officer!" the guys congratulated me "Salute" I saluted and they did as well "Congrats mrs.Byun Mina" they joked "Yah we're not married yet" I said huging Baekhyun "We're not? then let's get married now"he said picking me up spinning me around "Ya oppa" he put me down kissing me "Aish get a room" they said "Don't be jealous" Baekhyun said "Hey guys a new crime case downtown hurry" Suho came "Come on" Baekhyun pulled me "Me too?" I asked "Of course you too you think just because you're a newbie we'll go easy on you ?come on" I smiled going with them.

"So in the end we lost something important but we also earned something beautiful...LOVE"

Thank you so much for reading well this is the end *sobbing* hoped you liked it sorry for the sad scene but there has to be something sad and dramatic in the end (I apologize sencirly Chanyeol) but anyway thank you SO MUCH for reading and


If you want to read more stories I wrote a lot,anyway thank you and by by*bows*

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