• Shumdario shot • Better than ever •

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• Thanks a lot for suggesting me to write about this MiyaLightwood 💜

Giving up acting for medicine wasn't a piece of cake, specially when losing contact with friends

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Giving up acting for medicine wasn't a piece of cake, specially when losing contact with friends. Nevertheless, unexpected event could change that ⬇️

Acting was never his first option, he liked it, but it wasn't his passion.
Medicine was.

After Shadowhunters, seven years ago, Harry decided it was time for him to persue his real dream and study medicine.
It wasn't easy to start from scratch, to leave all behind, yet, his castmates encouraged him all the way.

Now, he was a resident, the younger ones often got impressed when meeting him, they couldn't believe he had risked all for medicine, that he even left fame behind.
But fame wasn't the only thing, also his friends. They often talked through their group chat, met, and Harry had to reject or even avoid talking to them because of his busy schudule, almost three years passed without seeing them. He came too far and wanted to focus. That didn't mean he wasn't missing the chaotic gang, he did every day.

As Harry often did, he stayed on the hospital, doing double shifts, trying to learn as much as possible, be a good resident. He sometimes remembered filming days where they had dinner on set and despite being exhausted, they always joked, made plans together.
While being alone in the room were doctors took a break, Harry looked at his phone, waiting for his coffee to be ready. The scent always remembered him of Matt and his coffee addiction, it made Harry smile every time.

He entered the chat, saw a picture of Emeraude and her knew hair cut, Kitty Kat (as he still had Katherine), sent thousands of heart emojis. Alberto and Dom were grabbing some beers that night. Isaiah was about to start a new project, and Matt, although he wasn't the typical person that spoke much through the chat, he was the one proposing every one to rent a country house together the following weekend.
Everyone had their lifes, their plans, and still time for each other.

It was time for Harry to left the chat.

-Sorry... -He muttered, while taking his coffee.

Messages kept coming, of course they were gonna accept the plan.

Harry was about to turn off his phone, when someone sent him a private message.

"Hey, Harry, how you doing? It has been ages. I know you're reading the conversation so... Why don't you take the weekend off and come with us? I miss you. We all do."

Matt... Of course they talked sometimes, but the fact that he sent that message felt too painful. He knew Matt was honest, that he really meant it. But he promised to work that weekend too, so he preferred not to answer for the moment.

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