You <3

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Would you like to answer some of my questions?
Just, you know, for me to know you better :)

Okay soooooo

- Name or Nickname

- Favorite Animal

- Birthdate

- Favorite Color

- Age (just if you want to)

- Favorite kind of Music

- Favorite Food

- What do you want to be when you grow up

- Favorite quote

- Favorite People in here (watty)

- Favorite emoji

- What's a thing that makes you reaaaqlly happy?

- Pineapple on pizza?
pay attention here huh, i'm italian.

- Do you have a crush? ;)

- One of your strength

- One weakness

- One fear

- Do you want children?

- Your biggest dream

- Siblings?

- How are you today?


- Do you like Zaynie's new post? :)

Matsy's Space 🌻
Hey hope you enjoyed!

I love when you guys answer my questions, that's what makes me happy and today I had a not so good day so I hope you'll answer :)

-Matsy <3

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