It was the end of the regular season. I played my ass off any chance I got, but there weren't many chances, and the raptors never made a spot on the roster officially for me like they promised, they already had a vet in that spot. I wasn't eligible to play in the playoffs with them without a standard contract, so my off-season started early. They told me they saw a bright future with me, but it was time to step aside. Maybe next season, they said. Thankfully my agent said I made enough noise around the league to draw interest for a contract. What I've always worked for, but the offers were nowhere near what I wanted them to be. I'd need to show out again next season, hopefully as a starter eventually. Let me work!

My agent called me nonstop while I was in the shower. He kept interrupting my playlist, making me groan in frustration as I shut off the water and put him on speaker.

'What?' I ask

'The Heat called! Pack your bags." He says excitedly

"What's the offer?" I question, despite being just as excited

"Well." He says nervously

"Rich, just tell me," I ask him "Chicago's offering a one-year 1.2 million contract, The Heat another two-way like Toronto, but if you put in work--" He tries and explains

"Chicago then." I decide

"But Miami-" Rich protest

"I know, Rich, but I need the money now. I'll show them I'm worth the contract next season. Miami will always be my top destination." I assure him

"I'll make the calls." He mumbled as he hung up

Home did sound nice. I was so close to getting back there, but I know I'm worth more than just another two-way contract. I know I'll get to make it home eventually. Chicago Bulls announced my signing of me by the end of the day. I got unfollowed by many Raptor fans despite thanking the team for giving me my first shot. At least I gained bull fans instead, not that it matters. It was just distractions, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to see myself wear the legendary Bulls jersey Jordan played in. There was one follower I wasn't expecting to gain.


Ironically she had never left my mind despite it being nearly three months since I saw her for the first time. So how did she find me?

'I guess I need a Bulls jersey now.' I received a DM from her shortly after I followed her back.

My heart was beating so loud that the music in the room around me almost went silent. I sat up on my bed, unsure what to reply. I honestly never thought I'd speak to her again. Maybe further in the future, if that Shawn boy isn't around anymore, but he was. Still around like a fly that wouldn't leave her alone. I've unfortunately kept occasional tabs on her. Her life was in the spotlight, and apparently, I was a fan because I just couldn't stay away. Every so often, I wondered too much about her. Where she was, what she was doing. Did she remember me? Did I cross her mind ever? What was so special about Shawn that I couldn't give? What was so fucking special about this girl that I was this willing to fight over? I never imagined allowing someone to flip the script when I wasn't even finished writing it. This was stupid. Kobe wouldn't respect me.

'Your bf won't be mad it's not a Raptor's one?' I questioned bitterly.

I hated that it took so long for her to respond. Screw it. I wouldn't fall into the trap of lies and games unless it was a game of Basketball. When she didn't reply, I mentally cursed myself for sounding passive-aggressive. I had no right to be a petty asshole to her. She was never mine from the start. It's unfair to her. She still hadn't responded. A few hours had already gone by. I screwed it up already, just as I did with everything else in my life. This is what I get for only working out at the gym and playing ball like a loner. I had no actual game when it came to women.

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