Braids and Bunnys - Little!Max x CG!Lucas

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I don't see these two enough soooooo. Btw since idk how to work with what's going on in season 5, we're gonna pretend like Veccy decided to go on vacation or something before world domination.

Max opened her eyes and breathed deeply. She looked around the room, but everything's was a blur. And that isn't a figure of speech, it was literally to blurry for her to see. Max quickly sat up and looked around, fear racing through her. She yelped in pain. Her whole body ached and she didn't know why. Why did it hurt? What was going on? Was that why she couldn't see a thing? Max let out a cry and looked around. It was so dark and scary.

Just then, she heard someone jump up. Max flinched away and started to full on sob. She ignored the pain as she backed up against the bed. Just then, the lights turned on, scaring the poor girl even more. Max pulled her legs to her face and put her head in hands, yelping in more pain. "Max?" A voice said. Max stopped crying for a second. She remembered that voice. Max looked up to where the sound came from and saw a boys standing there. He was blurry, but she could tell exactly who it was. Lulu.

"L-Lulu..." Max whimpered. She made grabby hands for him as Lucas ran over. "Hey, hey it's okay Maxie. It's okay, you're okay. I'm here, Lulu's here sweetheart." Lucas said as he sat on the hospital bed. He gently took Max in his arms as not to jostle her, and gently rocked her. Max cried into him as she clung to him for dear life. "I know, baby, I know.." Lucas said softly.

Max remembered exactly what happened. She'd been blinded and almost killed by that nose less monster. It'd been a few months since then, and while her bones had healed, they were still a bit sore, and her sight would never recover. She'd have to stay like this forever. Max let out more cries as she remembered it all. She would never be able to see her friends again. Her mother. Lucas. Nothing.

Lucas gently rubbed her back and rocked them. Max was clearly regressed. First time she'd regressed since...Vecna. Little Max probably didn't remember or understand what had happened or why she couldn't see. Poor thing was shaking, she was so scared. "Hey MadMax, I need you to take a breath for me." Lucas said softly. Max sniffled and nodded. "I know you can't see, and your body might hurt a bit.." Lucas started. Max furiously nodded and cried more.

"But, that's why we're at the hospital. It's just a little check up to make sure you're okay. That's why you were sleeping, actually. The doctors gave you some medicine to help, but it makes you sleepy. Everything's fine, I promise." Lucas explained. Max nodded and kept clinging to Lucas. "Ya know...there's a T.V. Wanna watch a movie?" Lucas said, trying to lighten the mood. Max was about to babble something, when her stomach rumbled. "With a bottle?" Lucas asked.

Max let out a little giggle and nodded. Lucas smiled down at Max softly and ran a hand through her fiery red hair. Lucas then gently lifted Max into his arms and stood up, balancing Max on his hip. Lucas started to bounce her a bit and made his way over to the kitchenette. "Alright Maxie. Sippy or bottle?" Lucas asked softly. Max pointed to the bottle and laid her head on Lucas' shoulder. "Guessing you're younger than usual?" Lucas said with a small smile. Max nodded and smiled a bit as well.

It was difficult, but Lucas was able to make a bottle one handed. Lucas gently placed a kiss on Max's forehead and walked back over to the bed, lying down with Max in his lap. Lucas then situated her so she could drink from the bottle in his lap. The little girl latched on rather quickly once Lucas placed the bottle to her lips and laid her head on Lucas' shoulder.

Lucas then turned on the T.V and was able to put on cartoons for Max, turning the volume up loudly. At least she could hear them. Max glanced at where the noises were coming from and recognized it as Tom and Jerry. She finished her bottle quick and turned herself in Lucas' lap, facing the T.V. She giggled as she listened to the cat yell in pain from something. Tom always made the funniest noises to her.

Lucas choose this moment to gently start to comb her hair. It'd been a rats next when she woke up, and he knew she would've loved a braid. As Lucas brushed through Max's hair, the little let out laughs from the T.V and played with her pajama shirt. "Lulu?" She asked quietly. "Yeah sweetheart?" Lucas replied, starting to braid Max's hair. "Bunny?" Max asked. Lucas nodded and dug through a bag next to the bed.

About ten seconds later, he pulled out a pink and white floral bunny. He handed it over to Max who smiled and started to play with the ears. Lucas kissed her check and went back to finishing up her braid. "Tankies Lulu..." Max said quietly as she leaned further into Lucas. "Anything for you, MadMax."

It's short but ya know. It's 2 am where I am and I'm exhausted. Anyways, hope you liked it!
- Zoe

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