Late Night Snacks - CG!Billy + Eddie x Little!Steve

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Stevie didn't know what he was doing. He'd just woken up and was absolutely starving (he totally wasn't being dramatic about that). So naturally, he got up, and wandered down to the kitchen. And thankfully, he didn't wake up his Daddy or Papa. If he did, they probably would've put him back to bed and told him they'd feed him in the morning. But Steve was hungry now!

Steve held his stuffy close as he walked. While he didn't want to admit it, it was kinda scary. It was very dark and even his doggy plushy, Coco, was scared! And Coco wasn't easily scared. Steve held Coco close and walked down the stairs, being as careful as he could. Papa and Daddy always told him to be careful on stairs. Thankfully, the little boy made it downstairs without any unwanted issues.

Steve peeked into the kitchen and turned on the light. He clumsily walked over to the kitchen counter and looked at the snacks cabinet. Steve gingerly sat Coco down on the island. She didn't like heights, and Stevie didn't want to scare her. He quickly climbed onto the counter and opened up the cabinet. Inside, was only the best snack ever and a personal favorite of Stevie's, frosted animal crackers! Steve let out an excited gasp and quickly pulled the bag out.

It was all perfect, until Steve tried to open the bag, but was taken back when it wouldn't open. Steve growled a little as he tried to pry open the bag. He didn't even realize how much noise he was making. Or hear someone creep up behind the wall. Steve kept pulled at the bag and let out more growls in annoyance.

Then someone jumped out from behind the wall. Steve looked over at the stranger and was happy at the sight. There Billy was, clad in his pajamas and Steves bat with nails in it from when Steve was big. "Stevie? Honey, what are you doing?" Billy said, lowered the bat. Steve smiled brightly at Billy and offered Billy the bag.

Billy looked at Steve for a minute before chuckling. "What happened kiddo? What're ya doing?" Billy said. He left the bat against the wall, careful with the nails, and walked over. "Dada open?" Steve asked in the more polite tone he could muster. Billy let out a soft sigh and picked Steve up from the counter. "Your already up, why not." Billy said as he sat Steve down at the table.

Steve looked at him confused for a moment. "Yes. Dada can open it for you." Billy laughed as he took the bag and tore it open. Steve squealed and quickly took a cracker. Billy chuckled and ate a one as well. "Dada, look! Lion!" Steve said as he shoved the lion cracker in Billy's face. "I see that baby. What noise does a lion make?" Billy asked. Steve let out a cute roar and Billy chuckled again. "Good job sweetheart! Very scary." Billy said, ruffling Steve's hair.

"Coco?" Steve asked. Billy nodded and went over to the island, grabbing the dog plushie. "So. Was coming down here without Papa or Daddy a good idea?" Billy asked. "Uh...Coco said it was!" Steve defended. Billy let a soft smile make come across his face. He gently picked Steve up and put him in his lap. "Oh?" Billy asked. "Uh huh. Bu maybe it was'n..." Steve mumbled.

"Yeah. Well next time, come to Papa or Daddy." Billy said softly. Just then, a half asleep Eddie came into the kitchen. "Papa!" Steve said excitedly, reaching for Eddie. Eddie hummed and looked over at Steve. "Hey big boy!" Eddie said excitedly, taking Steve from Billy. "'M not big. 'M little!" Steve said through giggles. "Oh okay buddy. Redo. Redo." Eddie said and cleared his throat. "Hey little boy!" Eddie said again. "Cookie?" Steve giggled, offering an animal cracker to Eddie. "Thank you baby!" Eddie said, eating the cracker.

"So why'd you bring him down here?" Eddie asked Billy while bouncing Steve and munching on a animal crackers. "Actually I didn't. Somebody was hungry and came down here by himself." Billy replied. "Oh....Probably wasn't the best idea bud, but hey! Independence!" Eddie said enthusiastically.

Steve giggled and laid his head on Eddie's shoulder. "I think that somebody you were talking about is also tired." Eddie sang. Billy sighed and nodded in agreement, taking Steve from Eddie. "You tired baby?" Billy said while rubbing Steve's back. Steve nodded against Billy and let out a yawn. "Well. You had your midnight snack. I think it's bedtime." Billy said softly.

"Actually it was more like 3 am snack, but ya know. Whatever." Eddie mumbled with a small smile. Steve giggled softly and cuddled into Billy more. Before Steve could hide his face, Eddie was able to sneak Steve's favorite blue pacifier into his mouth. Billy made his way to Steves room, but the boy whined when Billy tried laying him in his room. "What's wrong sweetheart?" Billy asked softly. "Sleep wit chu.." Steve said softly. Steve then decided to give Billy and Eddie the biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes he could do.

"I meant you can't say no to puppy dog eyes. Huh, Billy?" Eddie said with his head against Billy's other shoulder. Billy smiled a bit and kissed Steve's head, walking towards the guest room. He gently laid Steve down and got in bed next to him. Eddie quickly jumped onto the bed on the other side of Steve, making Steve giggle. "Alright bud. Go to sleep." Eddie said. "Night Stevie.." Billy said as he kissed the boys forehead. "Ni Ni Dada..Ni Ni Papa.." Steve said through his pacifier.

This one was so cute! After this, I'm thinking about little Billy since he's not really in here yet. Anyway, hope you liked it!
- Zoe

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