Little Buddy - Little!Dustin x CG!Steve + Eddie

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Dustin didn't mean to slip. He really didn't! And he was sure he wouldn't. But of course, he was wrong and now he was regressing more and more at Steve's house. For a sleepover none the less!

Dustin let out a sigh and took a light green pacifier out of his pocket. He rinsed it off and put it in his mouth. Even though he didn't want to regress, that pacifier was just so soothing. It made him feel so much better. No matter how much he wished it didn't. Dustin sucked on the pacifier and jumped at the sound of knocking on the door. Not now!

"Hey Dustin, man, you good?" Eddie asked from behind the bathroom door. Dustin tried to respond, but instead, he babbled. Dustin growled in frustration and let out a small whimper. He didn't like this! He wanted to be big right now, not some baby.

"Okay, so Steve's freaking out downstairs and I'm kinda getting to that point, so is it okay if I come in or..?" Eddie said in a frantic tone. Dustin tried to respond, but he just couldn't get the words out. Instead, he growled in frustration. A quiet 'okay' could be heard on the other side of the door, and Eddie came in.

Dustin stared at Eddie for a minute and blinked. Eddie stared back at him with just as much surprise. Dustin bit his pacifier and looked away from Eddie, embarrassment taking over. He felt his face go bright red and tears prick his eyes. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey little buddy. It's okay, it's alright. Wanna see something?" Eddie said in a soft tone. Dustin looked at him for a minute and blinked. Eddie slowly pulled out a black pacifier with a bat on it from his pocket and smiled softly. "Steve takes care of me. Maybe he could try to take care of you to?"

Dustin looked Eddie up and down. He never knew any of his friends age regressed. Max maybe, but Eddie, no. And he did say Steve took care of him. Maybe Steve would also know what to do..

Dustin timidly nodded and took Eddie's hand. Both of them stood, only for Dustin to wobble and almost fall. Thankfully, Eddie caught him just in time. Eddie lifted Dustin into his arms and patted his back. "Easy there, kiddo." Eddie muttered with his signature Eddie smile. Dustin smiled a little behind the pacifier and laid his head on Eddie's shoulder.

Eddie let out a sharp breath and smiled at Dustin nervously. He'd never taken care of someone before. Steve normally took care of him. But maybe that was it. He knew how Dustin was feeling, so maybe that would help him be a good caregiver.

Eddie kept thinking as he walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where Steve was making dinner. "Hey Eds, is he oka-" Steve started, but then he saw Dustin. Eddie mouthed 'regressor' to Steve and gently bounced Dustin a little. Steve nodded and walked over to the two and gave Dustin a small smile.

"Hey bud. It's alright, we won't judge you. You hungry?" Steve asked softly. Dustin looked away for a minute and nodded. Steve gave him a smile and went over to make Dustin a bottle. "See? We don't mind. You can be little with us." Eddie said sweetly, taking a seat at the island.

Steve was quick with the bottle and sat down on the island next to Eddie. "You want me or Eddie to feed you sweetheart?" Steve asked softly. Dustin reached for Steve, making the older boy smile a little brighter. Eddie slowly handed Dustin to Steve, who bounced Dustin a little before giving him his bottle.

Dustin happily drank his bottle and laid his head on Steve's chest. Steve cooed a bit and kissed his forehead. He gently rubbed the boys back as Dustin came more and more out of his shell. Pretty soon, Dustin finished his bottle and playing with Steve's fingers.

"Wanna watch some cartoons little dude?" Eddie asked. Dustin nodded a bit and clung to Steve's shirt. Steve laughed a bit and ruffled the kids hair. "I'm not putting you down baby." Steve said as the three made their way to the living room. Eddie flopped onto the couch and lazily stretched out.

Steve rolled his eyes with a small smile and sat on the floor with Dustin. Steve then turned on Tom and Jerry and situated Dustin so he was leaning into Steve's chest and facing forward. "Stevie?" Dustin asked in a quiet voice. "Yeah kiddo?" Steve replied, looking down at the little.

"Froggy?" Dustin asked again. "You want your froggy?" Steve asked. Dustin nodded and pointed to his bag that was across the room. Before Steve could even ask, Eddie was up and grabbing Dustin's bag, digging through it and pulled out a green frog.

Eddie smiled and waved the toy in Dustin's face, letting the boy grab it. "What's his name sweetheart?" Steve asked, gently tickling Dustin's side and making the kid giggle. "Wibbit." Dustin said cutely. Steve cooed at how Dustin couldn't pronounce his r's while Eddie chuckled a little.

"That's a great name bud." Eddie said, sitting next to Steve and letting Dustin move over and drape his legs on Eddie's lap. Eddie laughed a bit and began to rub Dustin's legs and feet. Steve rubbed the boy back and let Dustin lean into him.

Taking care of Dustin was gonna be fun.

Baby Dustin is so sweet! I just wanna kiss his little chubby cheeks. Anyway, hope you liked it!
- Zoe

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