A heartfelt apology.

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I wake up to hear the sound of my alarm on my phone going off. 6:30 in the morning. God this is going to be hard to get used to. I click a button on my phone so it'll shut the fuck up, and sit up. After a few minutes of adjusting to the morning and such, I got up to find some kind of outfit to wear. I settled with a band t-shirt, and jeans. No beanie today. I don't have the energy. I left my room to see Amity putting stuff into her bag. I was walking to the bathroom, expecting her to ignore me when I heard a "Hey." I turn my head to see Blight looking up at me. "Oh, yes?" I ask. "They don't have any smoke zones here. So you're beat I guess." She said. That really ticked me off.
"Yknow, Blight? All I've ever done since you came here was be nice, and try to be your friend. But you've just been a dick this entire time! Even yesterday you couldn't even apologize properly! It's only been a day, and you've made multiple comments about drugs, and stupid fucking gang activity. But, if you actually got that chance to know me or talk to me without making fun of me,you would know that I don't do drugs, I don't drink, or beat people up, or whatever the fuck else you guys come up with! It's all just a rumor that some asshole created because I beat a kid up in self defense. You know why? Because he was harassing other girls, including me! But if you just hate me so much that you can't even say good morning to me, then fine! I'll get out of your fucking hair. You won't have to talk to me anymore. Kay? Is that what you want?" I yelled. I was a bit out of breath, but I noticed that amity's eyes went wide. It looked like she was upset. "Luz...i.."
She started to say. "Just...stop okay? I don't want to here your excuse." I sigh, and walk out of the dorm with my bag, slamming the door on my way out. Did I go to far? I might've. But maybe it'll go through her fucking head. I just want to get today over with.  I thought maybe we could've been friends.

Amity POV:
Oh my god. I really messed up, didn't I? Maybe I was a bit rude to her. My heart hurts a little as I look back to all the shitty things I said to her. I really didn't get to know Luz..I just based her off of what people said. It all hits me like a bus. I need to fix this. I want to start over with her, maybe get to know her better. If she'll me, of course. I sigh. If I keep thinking about this kind of stuff, I'm going to be late. I finish putting the stuff in my bag, slip on my backpack, and leave the dorm myself.

3rd person:

Throughout the day Amity thought about what Luz had said to her. She really felt bad for the way she treated the poor girl. Luz only had a few classes with the golden eyed girl, but ignored her in all of them, no matter how many glances Amity shot at her. Around lunch time, Luz sat alone, as she was used to all throughout high school, with the usual stares and glances, when a familiar girl sat in the seat in front of her. Luz paused the music she was listening to and looked up at the her. It was Amity. Luz was felt a frustrated feeling bubble up inside again, but she pushed it down.

"Hey.." Amity said

"Here to ask if I shoved drugs in my sandwich? The answers no by the way."

"No.. not at all..I uhm..I came to apologize. For real this time... if you'll let me of course."

Luz calmed down a bit when she realized that Amity was being genuine. A small smile tugged at her lips.


"Okay..Luz, I'm sorry I said all of that stuff to you. Looking back, I was just going off of what other people had said, and never actually got the chance to get to know you.. which was a douche move. I was inconsiderate of your feelings. You actually seem like a nice and cool person, but I just never let you show me. You're right, I know nothing about you, the real you. And I would like to know..so..if you'll let me, I would like to start over. Get to know you better."

Luz smiled brighter, and looked into the Blights golden eyes. "I think I would like that to."

"Does that mean we're friends?"

"Only if you want to be."

"I do."

"Then yes."

Both girls giggled. They could've sworn they felt sparks, but maybe it was their imagination. "So, Noceda, what do you like to do?" Amity asked with a grin.

"Well, I like to read, draw, uh..hmm.. oh! I like to cook. I also like to play on my phone, but that's pretty obvious."

"That sounds nice..tell me more."

And through the rest of lunch, the two girls talked and bonded, really getting to know each-other better, almost like nobody else was there expect for them. Completely blocking out the rest of the kids weird glances, and the screaming and shouting, it was just them. For the first time in forever, Luz felt like she had someone who understood the real Luz. Somebody who she could be herself around. It was almost like they had never had any problems with each-other at all. Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

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