A day out

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Luz Pov:

I fell asleep waiting for Amity to come back last night. I was just so exhausted from work that I just crashed at around 8:30. I wonder what time she got back though? I don't even know why I'm even thinking about it. Amity's her own person. She can do what she wants. I got up out of bed and checked the time on my phone. It was 9:00 am. I made my way towards the door and went to the living room. Amity wasn't up yet so I just sat down and watched tv. I think an hour went by when I finally heard her door open and light footsteps. I looked over to see a very tired girl. "Good morning." I smile. I think she literally just woke up because she just hummed as a reply. I can't blame her though. Im not a very talkative person when I just wake up as well. Amity slowly walked over to where I was sitting and sat next to me. It made me blush a little. "Do you want breakfast?" I ask in a softer voice because I don't wanna be to loud. She shakes her head. "Alright."
We're both just sitting in silence and watching whatever the hell is on Cartoon Network when I feel a bit of pressure on my arm. When I look over I see Amity resting her head on my arm. I don't know if it was intentional or if it's because she just woke up but oh my god I felt my face heat up. After processing it for a second though, I smile and look back at the tv. We just stay like that. I mean, I'm not complaining. Another hour goes by and I hear Amity's breathing get slower. I think she fell back asleep. It is like 11:00 now so I think I should probably wake her and get the day started finally. I wonder how long she fell back asleep for. I gently nudge my arm where Amity is sleeping. "Amity...cmon wake up it's 11:00." I say softly. She lifts up her head and looks up at me, trying to process what's going on. Once it clicks, her eyes widen. "Oh my god how long was I doing that?" She says nervously. "For like an hour." I smile and giggle. "I am so sorry if I made you uncomfortable or something I don't tend to think when I wake up..I don't even remember leaving my room I-" She starts to rant, but I cut her off. "Amity, you're fine. I don't look mad do I?" I laugh again, and she shakes her head no. "Then why are you worrying? I thought it was cute honestly." I blush a little and look away. "Oh." She mumbles. I want to change the subject before I say anything else stupid. "Uh- so, would you wanna go out with me?" I ask. I probably should've phrased it better because she completely froze in place. When I realized what I said I blushed hard. "I-I MEAN LIKE. OUT. LIKE..TO A STORE OR SOMETHING." I blurt out. How stupid could I possibly be? Amity takes a second to respond. "Oh- uhm...yeah. Sure. As friends. Because uh..that's what friends do! They...go...places." She says. "Yup!...just as friends.." I add on as I look away. We both avoid eye contact for an uncomfortable amount of time. I probably made her so uncomfortable. Come on Luz! You probably lost every chance you had with her. After like- i don't know 3 minutes, Amity breaks the silence. "Ooohhkaay I'm going to go get ready now bye! Super excited for thesuperplatonictotallynotadate trip we're about to go on haha....okay bye!!" She says and speed walks to her room. I sigh. "Yup.."
I get up and make my way to my own room and find clothes to wear. I look in the mirror. I'm so stupid. I try to calm myself and forget this ever happened. Once I unsuccessfully tried, I pick out a hoodie and baggy jeans to wear. I grab my beanie and look at myself in the mirror again. I look okay I guess. I leave my room and wait on the couch anxiously. But, why? She seemed fine with going out. Maybe it's because of how I worded it? I don't know. I just need to take my mind off of it.

After a few minutes, Amity comes out in a crop-top and jeans. I think I blushed a little. "Alright...you ready to go?" She asks. "Mhm." I reply and stand up to walk out with her.

"So...uhh...where did you plan on going?" Amity asks as I start the car. "There's this new bookstore that just opened up. I kinda wanted to go, but if that's not your kind of thing-" I start to say, but Amity cuts me off. "I'd love to!" She pauses for a second. "I-I mean, like..if you want to go, that's fine with me. You're a cool person so anywhere you go might...seem..cool.." Her voice goes lower as she finishes the sentence, and my heart flutters a little. "Y-you think I'm cool?" I ask. I sound like an innocent child when I say it which is super fucking embarrassing. Amity's face goes red a bit. She doesn't respond, but she does nod, which makes my heart beat more. After a few seconds of just staring at each other (awkwardly), I break the silence again. "Hooookayyy, bookstore it is!" I say with a nervous giggle.

We make it to the bookstore and get out of the car. "Shall we?" I say, and hold out my hand. Amity hesitates for a moment, but smiles softly and takes it. "We shall." She giggles. Her hands are cold, but soft. If my heart where to beat any faster than it is at this very moment, I'd have a heart attack. Amity and I go in the store and browse through the stacks of books for a bit, laughing and giggling and pointing out the books we think we'd like, and maybe picking a few out to buy. Did I mention she had her hand intertwined with mine the entire time? We don't realize how much time has passed until it's 4:00 in the afternoon, and we both haven't eaten. "Oh hey, it's like 4:00." I point out when I take a look at my phone. "Holy shit, really?" She says, and takes a closer look at my phone. "Oh wow. We should probably pay and get outta here, huh?"
"Yeah. Here hand me the books you wanted and I'll pay for them real quick." I say and let go of Amity's hand. I miss her touch already, but I need to grab my wallet. "Oh it's fine you don't have to, I can pay for fine." Amity says. "No, No, it's really fine! I got it!" I say and give her a reassuring smile. "Are you sure? Do you want like, money back or..." She looks up at me a bit confused. "Nope! I'm sure."

"O-okay. Thank you so much!" She says with a bright smile, and it makes me blush. "Of course! That's what friends do!" I reply.

{A bit of a time skip to when they pay and get back into the car because I don't feel like writing those details.}

"I had a lot of fun today, Luz. Thank you for everything!" Amity says, the bag of books she got on her lap. "I'm glad you had fun, that was the goal after all." I giggle, and I hear Amity giggle back.  "Do you want to get something to eat? Or we could eat at home if you'd like." I ask. "Would it be a lot if we got food out?" Amity questions. "Not at all! That's why I asked." I smiled. "Okay, then we could get something out."
"What would you want?"
"McDonald's maybe?"
"That sounds good, are you sure that's what you want though?"
"Is it something you want?"
"I mean, yeah."
"Then yes." Amity smiles.
"McDonald's it is then!" I say and I start the car, and drive to the nearest McDonald's.

After we order and get our food, (We went through the drive-thru.) I park my car in and empty space and we start to eat. There's a comfortable silence, and I don't really mind it. I've been talking and smiling all day, it's nice to just be quiet for a little bit. There are a few times where I would say something, and Amity would laugh, or the other way around, but other than that, it was quiet.

We finished our food, and put our trash in the bag it came in. I'll throw it out later.
"Thank you for food as well." Amity said. "Mhm!" I replied with a smile. "Yknow.." Amity starts, "it's weird that I had this whole thing about you being a druggie and stuff just a few weeks ago. I'm glad I got this second chance with you." She looks up at me with a warm smile, and I can't help but smiling back. "Me too." I reply. Amity starts to lean in a little, which makes my heart race hard. Is she doing what I think she's doing? Like a magnet, I start to lean in as well, until the gap between us closes. I feel like I'm dead. Am I? Am I dreaming or something? It's like the whole world washed away from us. Just leaving us in this little car alone. Together. With her soft lips against mine. A few seconds go by, and Amity pulls away slowly, and looks up at me. It takes her a second to realize what the fuck just happened, but when she does, her face goes red. "Oh my god I am so sorry." She says nervously. "I-it's okay.." I reply. "I liked it.."I say this low enough for her not to hear, but it felt good to say it.

Maybe she is into me after all..

hi!! I'm so sorry for not updating in awhile, I've actually had this in drafts for like- a month but never had the motivation to finish it until now. If it seems rushed, you know why lol. I just wanted to say I started school so there probably won't be any new updates for a bit, but I certainly will try! also, I see the comments but aren't able to respond to them, I just wanna let you know they make me laugh every-time lol. anyways, that's all. I hoped you liked this chapter!

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