The end or just the beginning?

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

The rain threw itself down, the sidewalk slowly filling up with the damp smell of the air, as night was about to dawn - the moon peaking on the edge of the road. Rain was slowly starting to cover the sidewalk with a dark murky colour as I bundled myself up in my coat. The rain started to come down heavy, I walked faster desperate to get to the bus stop. Halting to a stop I looked up toward the rain hitting heavy on top of the glass, breathing a sigh of relief. Looking around, For a brief moment, a small blue spark caught my eye in the window of a nearby shop, like it was asking me to enter.

 Checking my phone I saw the time 19:58 I looked up taking the plunge quickly checking the door. Two minutes. Two minutes before the shop was supposed to close, I pushed open the door to a woman, a mystifying, gorgeous woman, with black hair that had striking pink highlights. She wore a gorgeous plaid blue dress and looked almost like a doll. The shop was an antique shop, all around were porcelain dolls, old china tea sets, and even gorgeous jewellery, but at the end of the shop one thing caught my eye - a gorgeous mirror, the outside was made of wood but painted in a gorgeous baby blue. The mirror was just a little taller than me, perfect for my room, the piece I felt was missing. 

I was struck out of my daze by a warm and dark voice, that didn't match the girl's doll-like appearance. "Hello! if something has caught your eye, you better get it quickly! there are only a few minutes left before closing and I can't leave the shop open without the manager's approval," She stated quickly, turning to her phone after smiling at me.

"Yeah! of course, thank you!" I said, running down to the back of the store, instantly trying to grab the mirror. 

"Would you like help with that?" She asked laughing slightly, I hastily nodded agreeing as she helped me to the front desk. "The total for that is £49.99," the girl said looking at me. "You know you were extremely quick with your purchase, I was only kidding about that!" she gave me a little smile, turning her head slightly to the left.

"Oh! I didn't know, though this mirror did strike me quite quickly - it's perfect for my room - absolutely perfect"  I quickly said, relishing the time I did have to look at the mirror, it really was perfect.

"I'm glad, oh so glad, that old thing has been here for quite some time, my name is Elise, what is yours if I may be so bold as to ask?" She questioned, looking into my eyes with her blue orbs, captivating.

"I'm (Y/N), it's oh so very nice to meet you" I replied smiling, pulling out my phone to call a taxi.

"That is a lovely name, I do hope you come to visit more often, you never know, you may find more things well suited for your room!" she smiled at me brightly as I pressed in the number and nodded at her. After promptly ordering the taxi, she helped me with the mirror outside to wait. "I do hope to see you again, and please let me know if you have any issues with the mirror won't you?" she said smiling sweetly

"I will!" I exclaimed, the taxi finally rolling down, the mirror now absolutely drenched from the rain. We placed the mirror in the car and I said my goodbyes to her as I got in for the long-awaited drive home. I looked at the rain hitting the taxi window slowly moving down the glass pane, the streets passing by in a blur of colours. I sighed dreamily tracing my hand on the window. The taxi halted and I found myself in front of my house, I opened the car door, walked to the back of the taxi and took the mirror out as carefully as I could. I closed the taxi door, holding up the mirror as much as I could whilst getting to my front door. 

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