Chapter 3

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Warning:strong language rushed so there are misspellings sorry \(T^T)/
Atsushi and chuuya were at the grocery store shopping Atsushi was sat in the cart watching spongebob. Hey baby I'll be right back okay? Chuuya said as he realized he forgot something. Atsushi looked up and nodded chuuya walked to the other alie. Atsushi continuted to watch spongebob when he was suddenly picked up by rather rough hands Atsushi at first was confused till he turned and saw some women holding him.atsushi's heart dripped as he dropped chuuyas phone and screamed this caught the attention of the other people in the alie the lady grumbled and ran carrying Atsushi. MAMAAAAA Atsushi screamed alot of people just stood and watched but sum called the police. Chuuya ran into the alie seeing Atsushi being carried away he ran after the women. YOU BITCH LET MY SON GO!? chuuya yelled the lady ran faster but before she could get out the store Atsushi wiggled and thrashed around this cause the women to lose speed and almost fall Atsushi kicked the lady in the stoamch they fell harshly. The lady tried to stand agian but chuuya tackled her and punched her. Bastard he spat standing up. Atsushi rushed to chuuya hugging him crying. Shhh baby its okay chuuya said the lady wobbly stood up. Hand where we can see them a police officer said holding gun towards the lady she rasied her hand. The police officer hand cuffed her and another walked to chuuya. Are you okay? The officer asked chuuya nodded. Im fine he said the officer nodded do you know her the officer no i do not chuuya replied. Alright have a nice day be careful the officer said and walked off. Chuuya sighed and hugged atsushi tighter. Did she hurt you baby chuuya asked. Atsushi hiccuped and shook his head no. I won't leave you alone again don't worry no one will hurt you.chuuya said atsushi nodded and hugged chuuya tighter.
Chuuya with the help of dazai was putting the things he bought away and telling him about the things that happend at the store Atsushi was standing on the bed while Akutgawa sat infront of him. What are you thinking about? Akutgawa asked. The thing is we got out normal thoughts back but our body are still 5 year olds should we tell them orrr keep acting like 5 year olds. Honestly its less embarrassing if we act like 5 year olds. Akutgawa replied.great while we are like this lets makes everyones life a hell atsushi said a sadistic smirk spread on his face. You were already doing that but okay im down for it akutgawa said crossing his arms. You right you right i wanna bother dazai now Atsushi said flopping on his butt and bounced abit. I would say this is why i love you but it seems werid when im looking at 5 year old you akutgawa said. Well your 5 too sooo Atsushi trailed off then his ear twitched. Someones coming atsushi said grabbing a teddy bear and handing one to akutgawa. Chuuya walked in. Well mr.bear you cant have the honey i need it atsushi said moving his teddy around. Akutgawa wanted to laught but kept it togather. What for i want honey akutgawa said back moving his teddy bear like Atsushi did. Chuuya smiled and walked over ruffling there hair. Dinners ready lets go chuuya said picking Atsushi up and setting him on the floor then akutgawa. Atsushi and akutgawa shared a glance the ran off to the kitchen chuuya following. Gross man sit in the floor Atsushi said looking at dazai who was sitting at the table. What no dazai said annoyed.yes youw eat dowg food so eat on the floor atsushi said crossing his arms chuuya was laughing loudly. Dazai rolled his eyes i refuse so deal with it dazai said Atsushi crawled onto his chair and stood up. Akutgawa doing the same chuuya made there food and they all ate.
This time akutgawa was intrusted to the ada and dazai while chuuya kept Atsushi. Akutgawa glaned as everyone did there work and stuff he was getting bored he stood up off the floor and went to Atsuhsi's desk he opens a darw and looked threw the paper he then found something he pulled out a whole ass butcher knife. The hell me thought looking at it he shoved it back under the paper and moved to a differnt draw he found a note book he opened it it had a list if names most crossed off he flipped threw it but besided the name nothing elese was there he threw the book back and moved to the little cabinet attatched to the desk. He opend it and a bottle fell out aswell as a few papers. He looked at the bottle. Whats this he questioned the name was unreadable akutgawa was tempted to keep it but put it back and crawled to the top of the desk. Im bored he complained internally. He hopped off the desk and ran to the door it was cracked so he just pushed it open and left. Wow what amazing babysitters he thought and made his way down the halls he walked till someone grabbed him. Just in timeee the vocie sang it was dazai he had a bottle in hand he opend the bottle and poured a blue liquid on akutgawa. He yelped and a bull smoke surrounded him he was back in his original body his clothes actually grew with him so now akutgawa was his normal self dressed cutley a rare sight. Yes no i cna change that hell child back.

Lets just say atsushi didn't get to reek hell on people for long

Im sorry this story was so short it was originally just gonna be a one shot but i expended it a little longer T~T i hope you liked it its more a warm up for a story im goona start write :)

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