Chp. I

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Welcome back to Seabrook. At first, we started off as a perfectly planned community full of cheer, then zombies showed up, then werewolves, and finally an alien invasion. Yeah, a lot of weird stuff happened over 2 years.

Now it's different, we are now a equal community with the zombies, werewolves, and aliens.

Thanks to Zed, all monsters can finally go to college! We've been waiting for months for the big day. And now, the time has come. Time to start the new chapter in our lives. Especially my life with my boyfriend, Wyatt!

And who knows, maybe we might find new friends along the way. But for now, the beginning of our adventure starts here.

At the beach!


Laughter and screams ran through the air as a two teenage boys run along the beaches shore, enjoying their summer time.

"Wyatt, go long!" The tall pale boy with green hair yelled as he throws a frisbee to his friend. His name was Zed and he is a zombie.

The other boy has a new undercut haircut with white streaks in his hair, ran fast as he catches the frisbee with his month. His name was Wyatt and he is a werewolf.

"Got it!" He yelled with a muffle, pointing at the frisbee in his month. Zed laughs at his friend.

"Hey guys! Sorry we're late." The two boys looked over and smiled as they saw three girls with a tall zombie walking over to them.

One had blue hair with white highlights within her hair. Her name is Addison and she's part Alien part Human, and Zed's girlfriend.

The other girl has pale skin with green curly hair up in a ponytail. Her name is Eliza and she's a zombie. She just got back from her internship from Z-Corp. Makers of the Z-Bands.

The final girl has dark skin with black hair in a ponytail as well. Her name is Bree and she's Addison's best friend, she's also human.

The tall guy has pale skin and green long hair. His name is Bonzo and he's a zombie. He can understand English but he can only speak Zombie, which only a few people understand.

"Hey guys! We were just wondering when you get here!" Zed yelled as he runs up to Addison and gives her a kiss on the lips, which makes her smile.

"Have you guys since A-Ri and the aliens around?" Wyatt asked as he takes off his shirt due to the heat, making the girls slightly blush.

I mean, this guy has a six pack for god sakes.

"They're changing into their human forms. They want to experience what it's like to look and feel human. They insisted. The rest of the aliens are doing it as well. It's their way of being welcomed on Earth." The group turns around and saw two werewolves walking toward them.

One of them had dark skin with long black curly hair with a white streak in it. Her name is Willa and she's a werewolf. She's also A-aspen's girlfriend and Wyatt's older sister and the pack leader of the werewolves.

The other one was a small girl with long dark brown hair with a long white streaks, and two buns on her head. Her name is Wynter and she's a werewolf, and the friend of Wyatt, Willa, and the gang.

"But, they're perfect the way they are." Zed said.

"That's true. But, I can understand where they're coming from. They want to fit in with humans because some people outside of Seabrook may not except them. I mean, my hair is still blue but it's starting to turn white again." Addison told her boyfriend, making him understand.

"A-Lan just texted me and said that they're on their way!" Wynter said, holding up her phone to show.

"And just in time, they're here!" Bree yelled as she pointed towards the shore. The alien trio walked towards the group with laughter.

"Hey guys! What do you think of our new look?" The short alien person asked. They had short black hair, pale skin, and wearing a Hawaiian shirt with long shorts. They're name is A-Spen and they are a alien. Willa's partner and the leader of the aliens.

The tall boy had short dark brown hair, pale skin, and wearing a white tank top with long red shorts. His name is A-Lan and he is a alien.

The alien girl has light brown skin with long dark brown curly hair in a bun, and wearing a white tank top with short-shorts and sunglasses.

"Man, you guys look amazing! Alien form and human form or not, you guys are still amazing." Eliza told them, making them smile.

"Thank you, we wanted to try something new so we can express our emotions better!" A-Spen said, looking at Willa with a smile. Willa winked at them.

"Hey, where's A-Ri. She better not be trying to sneak up trick again." Wyatt asked, looking around for his loving girlfriend.

"Here I am!" The alien girl yelled as she jumped on Wyatt's back, making him fall over.

"A-Ri! You gotta stop doing that!" Wyatt yelled with a laugh as he turns around and picks up his girlfriend by the legs.

The short alien girl had light pale skin, long light brown hair with a ponytail, and wearing a white blouse with short-shorts. Her name was A-Ri and she's a alien. She's also Wyatt's girlfriend and A-Lan's little sister.

"I can't help it! I love scaring you. Your so cute when you get scared!" A-Ri said as she kissed his cheek.

"Okay guys, please don't do the nasty's and front of us!" Zed yelled, making Addison hit him hard on the head. The couple laugh.

"So, what do you think? Of my look?" The young girl asked, smiling. The wolf puts her down and puts his hands on her hips as he gives her a kiss on her forehead.

"Your beautiful. Although I do prefer your blue hair, my little Stardust." He whispered, making her blush.

"Wyatt, have you told her yet?" Wynter asked, looking at the two. A-Ri looked at her boyfriend confused.

"What thing?" A-Ri asked.

"You know, the wolf thing." Wynter said, making Wyatt nervous.

"Will you excuse me and Wynter for a moment." Wyatt said as he grabs Wynter and pulls her a side where the others can't hear.

"I haven't told her yet!" He whispered to Wynter.
The wolf girl looked at him, confused.

"What do you mean you haven't told her yet!? The Red Moon is coming up soon and if you don't tell her by then, your screwed!" Wynter told him.

"Yeah, Yeah. I know. Just give me some time with her. Alright." He said, making Wynter nod.

"Guys! Come on, we're going to the Forbitten Forest soon to explore!" Eliza yelled to the two wolves.

"Listen, we'll take about this later." Wyatt told her as he ran towards the others. Wynter sighed and follow behind him as the group got in their cars and made their way to the Forbitten Forest.

He's got to tell her soon before the Red Moon happens.

Red Moon (Zombies 3: Wyatt Lykensen BOOK 2) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now