Chp. V

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(HEY EVERYONE!!! I'm sorry for being gone so long. I've been busy with my senior year of high school and sports that I kinda forgot about this book 😅. I'll try my best to stay as active as I can. Hope you enjoy this chapter and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!)

Days turn into weeks as the vampires moved into Seabrook. Since then, the vampires have been on their best behavior due to the fact that they want to please A-Ri and want to be on her good side, especially Ventus.

The vampires have been quite helpful with the people of Seabrook. Showing them their high tech technology and their way of life and culture, even the Zombies are starting to like them, expect the Werewolves. After all, the wolves and vampires aren't exactly buddy buddy.

The wolves have been on edge since they arrived and with the Red Moon and Mating season approaching, they're worried that they won't be able to protect their friends and love ones from the pale face intruders.
Willa, Wynter, and Wyatt decided to talk to their friends at the Fro-Yo shop in Zombietown.

"Hey guys!" A-Ri said as her and her brother greeted their friends. Wyatt gave the alien girl a small kiss, smiling at her as she took a sit next to him.
"So what's this about, Willa?" Zed asked, taking a bite of his Fro-Yo.

"We need to talk about the vampires, especially the Bloodwoods. You may think their nice, but they want to sink their fangs into you!" Willa told them.
"Yeah, Vampire are undead creatures who want to rip out your heart and drinks it's blood until it's nothing but a old, wrinkly sack!...too much?" Wynter asked. Wyatt chuckled.

"I agree with Wynter, The Bloodwoods aren't good people, especially The King" He told his friends. A-Spen looked at the wolves, curiously.

"These Vampire are strange, but friendly. Sometimes." They said, looking at Willa.
"See what I am mean!" The alpha protest. A-Ri sighed and shock her head.
"Guys, I think we should give them a chance." The wolves looked at A-Ri, confused.

"Babe, did you not just heard what we said about them?" Wyatt asked.
"I did, and I think we should give them a chance. Addison gave us chances, why shouldn't we give them one?" The alien girl asked. The wolf scoffed.
"Because they don't deserve one." He told her.

"Oh no, they're going to argue again.." Zed mumbled to Addison.

"I just think they should have a fair trial, like what we had." A-Ri told Wyatt, starting to get annoyed with him.
"Oh, you mean that fact you and your aliens buddies came to OUR planet unannounced, nearly ruining the chance for Monsters to go to college, tried to STEAL our Moonstone, and take Addison with you!" The wolf yelled. The aliens gasped loudly.

"Hey! She went voluntarily to help us!" A-Lan yelled. Now, A-Ri is getting pissed off.

"Well, at least I didn't USE someone to get them to open up and get information off of them for their sister!!" She yelled loudly, making the wolves gasp.

"At least I didn't lie about why I came to Seabrook in the first place!!" Wyatt yelled back.

"Enough!" Addison yelled, making the couple stop talking.
"Here's the plan, we will give the vampires a chance, and if they break that chance, we'll make them leave by Z-Portal, and if that doesn't work, the wolves will do it. Agree?" The cheerleader asked. The group agreed and got up to leave, leaving Wyatt and A-Ri together.

"Babe, I—"

"Don't" She mumbled as she got up and left the shop.


As the blue hair girl walked down the street, she wiped a tear with eye. Sure, her and Wyatt have had arguments before. But nothing like this where they bring up past events like this.

"A-Ri?" The alien turned around and smiled softly as she saw Ventus walking up to her.
"Ventus, what are you doing here?" She asked the vampire. The red head smiles at her, pulling out a small box.

"I wanted to give you a gift. A token of friendship and a thank you for letting us stay here in Seabrook." He said, handing her the box. A-Ri opened it and smiled, seeing a ruby necklace inside.
"It's beautiful, Ven." She told him.
"It was my mother's necklace." He said as he puts the pendant around her neck. Ventus smiled softly at her.

"It looks beautiful on you." Ventus comment made the alien blush.
"Thank you." She said as gave him a hug. Ventus chuckled, returned the hug. As the the two pulled away, they continue the walk down the street.

"So, you and the wolf still together?" He asked. A-Ri sighed and nodded.
"Yeah, we are." She told him. Ventus eyed her for a moment.
"Then why do you sound sad?" He asked again.

"Well, lately Wyatt has been...pushy. He's been asking me to be his mate when I felt like I'm not ready for that. But with the season coming up soon, I feel like I'm forced to make a decision. He's making me feel like a prisoner without even knowing. Not to mention we just had a argument." She told him.

"What was the argument about?" The pale man asked again. A-Ri shook her head.
"It doesn't matter, what's done is done." The blue hair alien said with a sigh.

"Well, at least he didn't imprint on you. That would have been bad." The vampire told her. A-Ri looked at him, confused.
"What does imprint mean?" The alien girl asked. Ventus laughed as he looked at her, realizing she isn't joking.

"You seriously don't know?" He asked. The girl shook her head.
"What else hasn't he told you about mating?" Ventus asked, concern.
"He said it's a wolf thing. That's all." She told him.

Ventus was about to tell her something, until they heard her brother and alien friends calling out for her.
"I should go, thanks again Ven." She said as she gave the vampire a small kiss on the cheek before walking towards her friends. Ventus smiles softly and walks back to the Mansion.


Unknowing to them, Wyatt was watching them from the ruff top, listening on their conversation.

The feeling on guilt came over him as he watch A-Ri from afar. He never meant to pressure her, he just wanted to keep her safe. The wolf sighed as he disappeared in the shadows, knowing what he had to do.

It might be time to let her go...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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