The talk

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(most this chapter is about rape and self harm)

Your pov 

I woke up to dried tears all over me  "Hey baby" i sat up "what time is it" he sighed 8:00 at night i sighed "Oh god i ruined all of fourth of July, didn't I" he shook his head "No of course not, all though we have to go downstairs" i looked at him 

"what why" he sighed "Our parents heard about it and want to know the whole story and i think your dad is mad at me too" i face planted my head onto his chest "why i don't want to tell everyone, I'm not ready" he shook his head 

"well you told me the story, do you want me to tell them" i sat up "are you sure, you want to" he moved some hair out of my face "Id do anything for you" i sat up and smiled "Thank you, Jere, I'm really lucky to have you" he smiled i quickly kissed him 

"Okay well all this crying made me tired, can we go down and get something to eat" he smiled "yeah but if we go down there gonna make you talk" i shook my head "I know, but you said you would help, so ill take that help"

he smiled we got up and walked downstairs everyone was in the kitchen talking i walked in and sighed i walked over to the cabinet and grabbed some ibuprofen i felt everyone's eyes on me i turned around and Jere handed me a bowl with cereal in it 

he then threw me the milk i poured it into the bowl walked over to the table and sat down with everyone else "is it true" my mom looked at me "No i would just lie over something stupid like that" i said with a slight smirk "Yes it's true, last summer i was raped" i said shoving my mouth with food 

"see craving I bet you she's pregnant" I heard my dad whisper I smiled and just laughed a little "so what dad, even if I was why would you care, I'm already the disappointment to you anyways" my mom looked at me "baby who did it" I looked at Jere 

"it was our old cheer teammate, the one who helped us with our stunts" I looked at my dad and he rolled his eyes "okay DAD what's your problem with me" he looked at me "why was Jeremiah walking out of the bathroom with you earlier" I sighed 

"Because I felt unsafe and didn't want to be left alone, he didn't see anything anyways he was outside of the shower" I looked at Susanah and she had a slight smile "don't worry dad I'm still your little baby girl" steven looked at me and smiled 

"well you could have had Your mom or Susanah stay with you" I rolled my eyes "okay well Jere was already with me and I'm closer to him than I am with any of you, well besides Connie" Conrad slightly smiled 

"so what you're saying you would have Connie in there two" I rolled my eyes and smirked "yeah we would have an amazing threesome" Conrad and Jeremiah both laughed my dad glared at them "but yes on a serious note, I would I feel safe with those two and I always have" 

"I have felt safer with them than I ever have with you, and that's saying something your my dad I should feel safer with you, but no Belly and Steven were always your favorites, I was never what you wanted, I mean hell Dad I was raped and the only thing you can focus on is if I slept with Jere"

"and you wonder why I never call you," I said handing Jere my milk from my cereal he smiled and drank it "anyways what else do you wanna know about my amazing time last summer" my mom looked at me 

"why didn't you come to any of us" steven asked "because I wasn't ready, I wasn't ready to just come up to you guys and say oh hey guess what guys I was raped last week" they all gave me a sad look "and i didn't want you all to feel pitty over me, like you all already do"

they looked at me "what do you mean we don't" i cut them off "yea, yeah you guys do or at least most of you, you see when i have an episode you guys are always all over me afterward, asking me if I'm okay nonstop, trying to get me something that i don't need" i said getting up 

"oh or double checking that i took my meds every morning" my mom looked at me "no we don't i trust you" i sighed  "oh don't lie i see you walk over and check it every time i leave to go for a swim"  but those two boys 

i said pointing at Conrad and Jeremiah "they ask me once or maybe twice if I'm okay or if i need something, so I'm sorry but go to them if i need anything, or if i need them to listen or even if i need to just sit in silence, they do that with me"

and you i said pointing to Belly "how could you tell everyone about it, and how did you even manage to find out about it" she looked at the ground "you didn't hide your journal very well" i scuffed "oh so you see my journal on the floor and go, oh look its personal ill just go ahead and read all of this personal stuff" she looked at the ground 

"now i know you all are just trying to look out for me, but with all due respect back off a little, if i faint and i need something i will tell you, if I'm not okay afterward i will tell you but please just, please let me be a normal 17-year-old girl" they all looked at me 

"Now if you excuse me I am tired and have dance lessons tomorrow, so I and Jeremiah are going to go upstairs and sleep together as my dad calls it" Jeremiah stood up my dad looked at my mom and Susanah "you guys are just gonna let them sleep with each other"

they both shrugged "i don't care if they do, do you Susanah" she smiled "no i don't and besides as far as i know there just friends" i smiled "wow" i smiled "thanks guys" Jere got up and walked over to me "Oh and guys, let's drop all of this okay, I'm not mad at most of you, so ill see you tomorrow"

they all shook their heads i walked over and quickly took my meds Then walked back over to Jere he smiled and walked upstairs with me we walked into my room and i closed the door and took a huge deep breath and let it out 

Jere looked at me and smirked "what" he smiled "that was Hot" i smiled "oh wow I'm yelling at everyone and you think that's hot" he shook his head "yes i do" i smiled "god i hate you" he smirked "no you love me" i rolled my eyes "hold up where did it go"

he looked at me "where did what go" i sighed "your hoodie" he smiled "I don't know where it went" i rolled my eyes "you can't lie to me now my love where is it"  he sighed " i washed it" i frowned "why i liked it , its smelt like you" 

he smiled and took off his shirt "here you go then" i smiled and put it on "thank you, now i really am tired so can we mabey go to bed" he smiled and tackled me onto the bed so he was on top of me "oh I'm the one whos typically in this position, but it's nice having you in it "

he started to blush and fell off me i sat up and looked at him he smirked "I can't wait for you to become a fisher i hope you know that" i smiled "hopefully someday my love" i said laying down on him he smiled and whispered 

"There is no hope love, i know you will" i smiled and closed my eyes falling asleep not long after 


i know this chapter is short and kind of sad but i hope you liked it anyways 

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