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We had finished up decorating after an hour or so, and now it was time to do what Robin had in mind.

"We'll be back in a few hours!" I called out to my parents.

"Alright! Be careful!" Dad called back.

Robin and I walked out the door, hand in hand, and started walking.

We were heading in the direction of Finn's house.

Finn was doing great after it all happened. His bullies left him alone after they heard what he did to the Grabber.

Or what he thought he did.

He was probably one of the most popular kids in school now. And he certainly didn't mind.

He and Donna just remained friends though, which was.. disappointing to say the least.

And Gwen, she was.. dealing.

Obviously what happened couldn't have been easy on her.

And her dreams? They didn't stop.

But to be fair, I don't think any of it stopped.


Robin knocked on the door of the house.

After a minute or two, Finn opened the door.

"Hey, you ready?" Robin asked Finn

"Yeah, let me just get my coat real quick." Finn replied

I turned to Robin, "So what exactly are we doing?"

He looked down and laughed, "You really don't know?"

"Am I supposed to?" I asked.

"I would expect you to honestly." He replied, smirking


Just then, Finn appeared at the door, walking out and locking his door.

"I really wish Gwen could come with us." I said

"She never comes with us when we-" Finn began

Robin smacked his shoulder, shutting him up.

"She doesn't remember, idiot!" Robin said

Finn's eyes widened, "Really?!"

I sighed, "Okay, what the fuck are you two on about? What am I forgetting?"

They just laughed.

This is getting frustrating.

"When you see, you'll remember." Robin told me, kissing my cheek to calm me down.

I took a deep breath and smiled. I'll remember.


After a few minutes of walking, Robin covered my eyes with his hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"We're almost there, don't worry." He replied

We walked like this for a bit until he took his hands off my face.

He grabbed my chin and tilted my head to the left.

I blinked a few times to readjust my vision and then I saw where we had arrived.

The ice skating rink.

Robin, Finn and I had made this a tradition since we were 9.

Every holiday season, we'd come ice skating. Just the three of us.

How did I not remember this?

"I thought you would've remembered it out by the time we stopped at Finn's house." Robin said, laughing a bit.

"I totally forgot we did this." I replied, sheepishly.

"Surprised you did. You never let us forget before." Finn said.

We walked inside and it was practically empty.

Like always.

Normally, the rink was extremely busy. But every year, on the same day, it wasn't.

We never knew why, but we didn't care enough to find out.

We purchased our skates and went to sit down to put them on.

"I'll be back. I'm gonna go use the bathroom." Robin said, leaving Finn and I alone.

We sat there in comfortable silence, putting our skates on.

I got one skate on before Finn spoke up.

"So how have things been with you and Robin?" He asked

I turned to look at him, "Things have been really good. He's the best."

He smiled, "Aw. You guys are cute."

"What happened with Donna by the way? I thought you were into her." I asked

He shrugged, "After everything that happened, I just need time for me."

That's... understandable.

I smiled and nodded at him.

Robin came back and sat down, starting to put his skates on.

"Oh! Finn. Let me tell you how I found this ornament of-" He began

I put my hand over his mouth, stopping him from talking.

Finn laughed, "Ornament of what?"

I shook my head, "I'm not telling you, and neither is he."

Robin licked the palm of my hand, making me take my hand off his mouth.

I groaned in disgust, "You're disgusting. You don't know where my hand has been."

"Your hand has been in mine pretty much all day. So I do know where it's been." He replied, smiling

I rolled my eyes, he was right.

We finally got up and got on the ice.

Finn and I were good at balancing on the ice, Robin on the other hand...

"Robin, it's been almost 6 years and you still can't ice skate!" Finn exclaimed.

Robin glared at him, "Yeah, I know asshole. Give me your hand."

Finn laughed and skated away, "No thanks!"

Robin looked over to me, "Please don't skate away."

I laughed, "And if I did?"

He was holding on to the side of the rink for dear life.

"I'd show the ornament to Finn." He smirked


"Fine. Give me your hand." I said

He reached out to hold me, and leaned his whole body on me.

I laughed, watching him struggle to keep his balance.

While we were struggling, I looked past Robin's shoulder.

Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me.

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