Round Two

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I saw the van pull up in front of me.

Not again.

I immediately stopped walking and considered turning around to run.

But I didn't.


Because this motherfucker took Finn again.

And Finn is worth saving.

He stepped out of the van and walked towards me, looking sinister.

"Miss me?" The Grabber asked.

I just glared at him, "Not at all."

Before he could get a hold of me, I ran around him to get a look at the back of the van.

And unfortunately I was right.

There Finn was, unconscious in the back of the van.

Before I could do anything else, I felt hands grab mine and turn me around.

I tried to yell for help but he sprayed something in my mouth.

I suddenly lost control of my movements and went limp.

Before I blacked out, I realized I still had my pocket knife in my pants.



I woke up with a massive headache.

My vision was blurry and my ears were ringing.

Talk about deja vu.

I moved my arm, trying to get an idea of what was around me.

I felt another arm next to me flinch when I touched it.


"Finn? Are you hurt?" I asked.

He shifted a bit, "Yeah. I'm fine. Are you?"

"I think so." I replied.

My vision started to clear up a bit and I noticed something across the room.

A person.

I couldn't see it clearly so I stood up, stumbling a bit before I tried to walk over there to see who it was.

On my first step, I fell over.


As I tried to get back up, the door of the room opened.

I heard a laugh, "Trying to see your boyfriend? He won't be up for a while."


That person is Robin.

I kept trying to get back up but I felt too weak to stand.

After a few minutes of pure laughter, he walked over to me.

I guess it wasn't funny anymore.

"Get away from her!" Finn yelled.

The footsteps stopped, he turned to Finn.

"Oh Finney. I won't hurt her." He whispered

Finn stood up and ran over to try and hit him.

Obviously in the state we were in, he didn't do much.

The Grabber pushed him down to the floor with one hand.

"This isn't going to be like last time Finney." He spoke.

"It's going to be a whole lot worse."

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