Chapter Ten.

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There was a low rumble underneath my ears. My head rested tiredly against the car window with a slight tremble rocking my body faintly. My head spun with the myriad possibilities as to why Harry would request such a perplexing idea.

Myrtle beach.

I was merely astonished when he first mentioned it. But of course, I was incapable of any power to refuse, so I had no other choice than to comply with this road trip. Though, that didn't stop the restlessness of my mind.

What was he seeking with a trip to North Carolina? And why did he need me to accompany him on the journey?

Whatever it was, it laid uneasy in the depths of my stomach. I tried so desperately to sleep, but my body rejected any form of rest. My limbs were constantly spasming through short and fast bursts as if a way to make sure I was awake and alert.

I needed to stay conscious every second I was surrounded by these men — By the Filthy Cloaks.

Harry was driving the wheel while I was resting my head against the car window. Ace and Niall were in the backseats talking vaguely as the static apprehensive noise of the radio faintly played in the air.

Although the idea of a road trip with a psycho lunatic and two other loonies sounded displeasing, I didn't mind the remarkable view I had looking out through the window.

We were on a simple, orderly road surrounded by acres of grasslands stretching across every other surface. Sunlight peered through the spaces in between rows of grass, shaping shadows and contrast within the car and on our faces.

Out of boredom, I looked at Harry for a split second and caught sight of such a striking painting of colors and highlights, especially in his green eyes that seemed to alter a certain yellow color in the light. His brown curls that were tangled in a light mess gave his features such an authentic lure. I even noticed a faint blush on his cheeks from the warm sunlight.

He looked gentle and humane with the overlay of golden streaks.

How could someone appear so soft under the sunlight yet so horrid under the moonlight?

I wish I had gazed longer at his face, but I refused to give him the impression I adored him in any way.

We had been on the road for quite some time now, and I was starting to feel that growing aching sensation in my body. My still limbs were numb and I could feel my body beg for any type of movement.

To my luck, I saw a small, growing figure in the far distance on the side of the road. When we had gotten close enough, I realized it was a motel sign informing our whereabouts and the meter distance we were to the motel & bar.

"We're going to take a rest stop at this motel," Harry announced, driving into the parking lot where a few sketchy cars resided. I could tell just by the view of the scene that this place was sloppy and strange.

Niall popped his head in between my seat and Harry's, making my eyes snap to where the sudden fluff of blonde hair peeked. "Harry, this is the Boozed Malice territory. We can't be seen here."

"The next rest stop is another seventy-something miles down, and it's already dark enough," Harry explained, using just his one hand to efficiently park. "Just keep your heads down and cover the tattoo."

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