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(A/N- Has it ever happened to you that sometimes you think you are over someone (prefarably a crush whom you never confessed) but then a text, a call or a simple status sends you down the rabbit hole for the nth time?)

"Mm?" Kong tilted his head confused yet again.

"You used to call me p'oon when we were kids" arthit said. Kong seriously thought he was going to die of heart attack. What has gotten into arthit today? Why is he being so... so... yeah he doesnt have a word for it.

"We grew up" okay this sounds awfully familiar to arthit where have he heard it? Oh right his own mouth. What they say about what goes around comes around? Arthit felt hurt he wants the junior back but as what? He is not sure.

Arthit got a call at that moment and he got up saying 'coming'. It looked like an emergency.

"I am going but you finish it" arthit glared at kong and kong was a bit happy arthit was back to his rude self. Because the arthit a minute ago was making him hope... again and he doesnt want to be heart broken again he cant jump countries this time.

"But we are still the same you are kong and i am oon" arthit said when he was at the end of the table and he walked out. Kong kept his hand over his heart he could feel the violent beats did he have an heart attack and he doesnt know about it? He doesnt mind the spice now he ate all of it drinking both his drink and the pink milk. He looked at arthit's bowl and there was still food left kong scoffed a bit mimicking 'you shouldnt waste food' now what? But he was worried for the senior too who will probably be hungry midnight.

He then recieved another pink milk from the waiter. He was panting with all the spices he ate and he was feeling like his stomach was on fire and that cup of pink milk was more than welcomed but he didnt order it.

"I didnt order it" kong said

"The other person did he said to give it to you" kong smiled at the gesture and took it and asked for the bill

"He paid both of your bills nong" the waiter said and went away.

And here we go again. How can kong ever move on from him? Or another reasonable and totally sane conclusion came to mind was that maybe he was in heaven and he is experiencing bliss. Yeah totally reasonable.

"swadee phi" kong greeted knot when he walked past him in the college corridor.

"wadee"knot said and was going to walk away as getting greeted randomly by the freshmen wasnt uncommon for him as he is a hazer but he stopped.

"kongpob!" knot exclaimed

"khap phi?" kong asked

"how...how have uyou been" knot asked

"i am fine. shouldnt you be pretending to not know me or something?" kong asked confused

"why would you think that?" knot asked

"because you dont seem to acknowledge my presence so i thought..."

knot chuckeled nervously

"no no nong nothing like that its just its just..." knot stammered rubbing his nape embarassed how to say that he was ashamed of what his friend or rather friends did and said that day and he feels guilty and maybe pities the junior somehow.

"no need to pity me phi. i am fine" kong smiled

"yeah yeah i can see that" knot smiled back "you can come to me for help if you ever need it. you will always be my nong na" knot said and ruffeled kongs hair making kong pout

"i thought you wont accept us until we have that gear" kong said

"hmm... then it will be our secret dont tell anyone" knot said and both started to laugh. knot asked for kong's number which the other gave.

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