29. Dhruv

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After the somewhat odd interaction with Rani, I'd made sure to avoid that again so I didn't make her nor I uncomfortable. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about eating her food today. Just...the whole thing didn't add up to me. Besides, this was all happening without a warning and I didn't want her to feel like she had to do things for me just because she knew we were married.

My phone lit up with a message notification.

Sandra: 'Are you excited or nervous?'

I had gone out for the brief interview with the place Sandra had recommended and got the job. My fingers were shaking with excitement as I put on the navy polo shirt with the white logo 'FuzzWinks' on the right over a pair of khaki shorts and black hiking boots.

Me: 'Excited and nervous. dw, gonna kill it.'

Sandra: 'With those horrendous typing skills, you certainly are.'

I chuckled and got everything packed and ready to go before heading downstairs. It had been a long time since I'd gone out to work. Too long. I glanced at the mirror briefly and raked my fingers through my hair, messing up the waves more than they were. I wanted to look and be perfect. I was already chosen for the job but first impressions on the actual job always counted. At the restaurant, hair wouldn't have been an issue because of the caps and the hats.

This was a whole 'other thing.

"Wait—" Rani's voice rang out and I saw her—I hadn't even noticed her there—standing in the kitchen of all places. I'd laugh out loud since I didn't think that was something I'd witness in my lifetime but she looked so serious, I couldn't do it. She hurried over to the fridge and got out the red lunchbox I assumed the food she cooked was in and handed it over to me. "Don't forget this."

I took it. "Thanks. Can't wait to taste it."

"Have fun at work!" This time I did laugh. She sounded as if she was sending me off to school.

"I will."


The clinic was clean, no doubt about it. But there was the stench of urine, dog food and a lot of other things I'd rather not mention as I got to work. I went through all the dogs' records, tried to memorise them all and spoke to potential clients about the dogs that we had that were looking to be re-homed; I mainly did the background work.

I was on my hands and knees cleaning up after the dogs, getting each of them food and letting them play around. Playing tug of war with a bulldog is something I need to rethink though, I thought, rolling my now aching shoulder around.

"Bob's a strong one," said Mika, one of the other animal attendants there with me.

"Bob's going to need a better name to suit that strength," I retorted. She laughed. Despite the many cons, I was having a heck of a lot of fun with the animals more than I thought I would.

A particular dog, a Kelpie named Kippie who was blind in one eye, tagged along behind me as I washed her bedding. "You're going to need a bath after that rough tumble," I told her as I whistled and patted my leg. She trotted behind me and though began to deviate, I stood by within her line of sight and gave her the signals I was taught so she could. Though some of the other dogs made sure to stay away from me and evaluate me from a distance, Kippie was the only one that gave me her undivided attention from the start.

I gave her a treat as she got into the bath and rinsed her. "You look like you're going to fall asleep any moment, bud," I told her, chuckling as she began to nod off in the mini soap bath. Even with the coveralls I was wearing, I was damp and smelt like literal crap. The only thing keeping me there were the animals, and the fact that everyone else there smelt the same.

"I can't believe you have Kippie wrapped around your finger," a surprised voice came from behind me.

"Is it that hard to believe?" I asked, focusing on the task at hand. A girl with hot pink hair tied into a messy ponytail bent down next to me. She reached out a hand to Kippie who bared her lips back, showing off her sharp, canine teeth. "See what I mean? She does that to literally everyone."

"Guess I'm just too good with the ladies."

The woman laughed. "I'm Frankie."


"I know."

I shot her a look and she explained. "Mika told me you were a hoot. And Sandra mentioned you. This is my mom's business."

I made a low noise of understanding deep in my throat. So she was Sandra's friend. "Didn't think I was being talked about already."

"You haven't even been here for a full day and everyone loves you already."

"Now that sounds like an exaggeration."

"Trust me, all it takes for women to go crazy are hot men that are good with animals. I mean, the ones that are desperate of course."

I chuckled. "And as flattering as that news is on my first day, I'm married. So that craziness needs to die down before I die."

"Who's the culprit? Your wife?" she joked.

She could care less, I thought. Instead, I plastered a grin on my face and said, "Who else?" Frankie helped me out with the other dogs that needed to be washed and fed before they were put back in their little kennels.

"Mika and some of the other staff were gonna go out to grab some coffee and muffins. You coming?"

"I'll pass," I said, looking through the roster. "I need to update some of the records online."

"Don't work too hard. It's only your first day." She stretched her neck out, peering out the door and checking both hallways before looking back to me. "My mom doesn't know but we were thinking of going to the bar after work to welcome you to our team. You have to come."

I sighed. This girl wouldn't take no for an answer. "All right," I relented. "But this is on the risk that I won't tell your mom what's happening. I'll have the upper hand."

"Hey, if it gets you to come then that's a risk I'm gonna have to take."

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