5 | her

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The moment I laid eyes on her in that flower shop, I knew exactly who she was.

Lucca never let anyone near his little sister, or even see what she looks like, but I was an exception.

I've seen multiple pictures of her on his phone, but that was when she was about 14. We never got a hold of his phone after his death, and all his personal belongings were given to his family, other then his weapons.

I have those all stored away in my closet, with our photos.

Belle had always been pretty, and anyone who was blessed to lay their eyes on her could never deny it, but after not seeing her for 3 years, who knew she would turn into a gorgeous young women.

The only time i have ever seen Belle in person was once 3 years ago when Lucca asked me to join him for Belle'a birthday dinner since he didn't want her to feel bad about not having any friends come.

It's true Lucca was very overprotective of her, not only was he a good member, but he was a great brother. Anyone who knew him would say the same.

Till this day, no one truly knows how Lucca died.

I've failed him as a best friend.

A week before he past, me and him were having a conversation and the mention of him dying was brought up, we obviously joked about it but I promised him if anything ever happened I would put Belle's safeness at number one.

When his "dad" called us mentioning his death, I knew exactly what I had to do.

For 3 years I've been watching her every move, making sure she's nowhere near any sort of danger.

I know I sound like a creep, but what else was I supposed to do?

Being in the Mafia is hard, but being related to anyone is even harder. Till this day, she had no idea that Lucca was my first in command. Having no knowledge of this made her even more gullible to danger.

Lucca made sure to keep her safe, and keeping her out of the mafia life was the right thing to do.

That's why when I bumped into her at the flower shop, I was more then shocked. It was the anniversary of Luccas death and I was picking up flowers for his grave. When I noticed her there I didn't know what to say.

She was breathtaking.

Perfection in human form if I must say.

I knew exactly why she was at the flower shop that day, the same reason as me. But I had to make sure.

When she left, I promised myself that I would stay out of her way and kept reminding myself of Luccas wishes to keep her safe.

When I saw her walk out of the graveyard on my way in, in her fragile state, I couldn't help myself.

I know she's been suffering all alone, so how bad could one small dinner hurt?

I just wanted to get to know her a bit more.

I wonder if she even knows who I am.


"Y-you can park right over there Leo." Belle looks at my with nervousness written all over her face.

But your house is down there?

"Hand me your phone."

She unlocks it and hands me it with a look of confusion on her face.

"Here." I say as I hand her phone back with my number in it.

"What for?" She asks innocently.

"If you ever need someone to talk to Belle, or if you just wanna annoy me and call, go ahead I'll always pick up no matter what." I say sternly.

She looks up at me with a small smile, "O-oh thank you L-Leo."

She reaches up to the door handle but before she can open the door I call out to her.


"Y-yes Leo?" She ask's nervously.

"Are you okay?" I say with a soft smile.

Her face drops for a second but she quickly covers it up with a wide smile "Great."

Don't hide your emotions from me, please.

She exits the car and waves bye to me.

I take that as my cue to leave, I can still see her small figure from my mirror speed walking over to her home, the street light being the only thing making her visible.

What's she in such a rush for?

As I'm driving back home, I get a phone call from the one and only Nicco.

Nicco, Lucca, and I were always a trio. We all grew up in the Mafia life and we're around each other 24/7 so it just made sense.

"Ohh Leooo" Nicco says and I can tell he has a huge grin on his face.

"Fuck do you want." I say sternly, not having time to deal with his bullshit.

"Ouch. What's got you in such a pissy mood dude?" Nicco says with a muffled chuckle.

" it's 12:00am Nico, why are you calling me." I say starting to get angry at his nonsense.

"We've got a lead." He says with all seriousness.

Confusion hits my face, "Fuck do you mean a lead?"

"Lucca." Is all he says before we both go quiet.

When Lucca first passed, we spent months trying to figure out how he died. Nico and I got so frustrated that we killed anyone and everyone in our sight. There was absolutely no leads so we just dropped it.

This news left me in shock.

"I'll be over in 5." I say as I hang up the phone and start speeding my way over to Nico's place.

What happened to you Lucca?

Beep booppp
Were so close to 1k!!
A big Thank You to everyone who has been reading this book!:)
Word count: 950

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