pt 4- 2year Anniversary🎸

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Yn and Eddie's two year anniversary was that night so she was getting ready to go out for dinner with him

Yn walked down the stairs into the lounge room, "how do I look mom?" Yn asked waiting for her answer

"I'm busy Yn go ask your father" she answered annoyed that Yn interrupted her reading

So Yn walked over to her father who was eating dinner and reading a news paper at the table, "how do I look dad?" Yn asked looking at him

"Yn I don't care go away and do something useful" He replied annoyed not even looking up from his news paper

"You look beautiful like usual" Nancy said walking down the stairs and kissing Yn on the head before grabbing food of the stove for her and mike

"Thanks Nancy" Yn smiled sitting down at the table to put her shoes on as Mike walked down the stairs

Mike grabbed his food and sat down across from their father and next to Nancy to eat

"Alright I'ma go now, I'll see yous later" Yn said walking past them as Nancy said bye and their dad and mike ignored her

"Hello darling" Eddie said kissing Yn before opening the van door and helping her up into it

"Hey, how are you?" Yn asked as Eddie got in the other side and drove off

"Good, how are you darling?" He responded turning the corner to the outdoor movie theatre

"Ok" she replied as Eddie pulled up in the carpark to go and buy tickets at the booth

"Hey what do you want to eat and drink, my treat" Eddie smiled at Yn while unbuckling his seat belt

"Anything, suprise me" Yn smiled looking at him, he leant over and kissed her before getting out the car and walking over to the booth

Yn watched Eddie over at the booth when her phone started ringing, it was mike ringing probably wanted money or something again she thought answering it

"What do you want mike, I'm busy" she asked annoyed answering it

"Your always busy shut up, mum wants you home in half an hour or your grounded for a month" mike said annoyed before hanging up

Yn swore under her breath, when Eddie got back in the car with the tickets and stuff

"You ok darling" he asked putting the drinks in the cupholders and placing the food on the armrest inbetween them

"Yeah I'm ok, family thing don't worry about it" Yn kinda smiled before looking at the stuff he bought, he got popcorn, beer and chips

Yn and Eddie got out of the car and walked over to the entrance where kids from their school, random kids and occasional parents walked past them trying to buy tickets and to try and get a spot before it started or all the spots were taken

They set up around the middle of the hill and sat down on the blanket and cuddled up next to each other as the movie started and the last people sat down

"Excuse me ma'am but would you be able to take my daughter to the bathroom, I can't go in with her and I don't know where the girls bathroom is" a man asked Yn half way through the movie as a little girl smiled at her

"Umm yeah hold on let me get up" Yn smiled as she got up

"Thank you" the little girl smiled as she grabbed Yn's hand and walked over into the bathroom

"My name's Sami, what's your name?" The little girl asked as she went into one of the stalls

"Yn" she responded fixing her hair in the mirror

Sami started singing a little song and humming

"What are you singing sweetheart?" Yn asked her

"cover me in sunshine, my mummy used to sing it to me" Sami answered, flushing the toilet and coming out the stall

"Used to?" Yn asked confused, picking her up and sitting on the bench to wash her hands

"Yeah, my mummy died in a car crash when I was two" she responded putting soap on her hands and scrubbing them

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you if I did" Yn said and stopped smiling

"It's ok, you wanna be my friend Yn?" Sami smiled at her as she washed of the soap

"I'd loved to be your friend Sami" she smiled, putting her back on the ground as sami held her hand and walked back down to the movie

"Bye Sami" Yn smiled sitting back down next to Eddie

"Bye Yn" Sami smiled running off back to her dad 

"What did I miss?" Yn asked laying back down and cuddling into Eddie again

"Not much" he said cuddling her and explaining what happened

They layed there all night till the movie finished, then they packed it up and walked back to the car park

"Hey Yn!" Sami said running up to Yn and jumping in her arms as her dad walked over to the car next to them

"Hey Sami!" Yn said hugging her

"Oooo is that your boyfriend?" She laughed and whispered in Yn's ear looking at Eddie who was getting in the van

"Yeah he is" she laughed whispering back "have you got a boyfriend?"

"No, I'm only four" Sami laughed

"Come on kiddo, say goodbye bye and get in the car" Sami's dad laughed opening the back door for her to get in

"Bye Yn" she said hugging her again as Yn put her back on the ground

"Bye Sami" Yn laughed and waved as she got in the car

Eddie drove Yn back to her house and said goodnight

Yn walked back in the front door and took of her shoes, "I'm back"

"You were supposed to be back two hours ago" Mrs Wheeler said annoyed following Yn up the staircase to her room

"Well the movie did go for an hour and a half so that's not my fault" Yn answered, pulling out her hand band and spreading out her hair by shaking her head

"You were supposed to be looking after holly" Mrs Wheeler said even more annoyed

"No I wasn't, it's Friday Nancy was supposed to, I watch holly on Wednesday afternoons" she answered brushing her hair

"I don't care, you should of been watching her" Mrs Wheeler said

"Well Nancy was here and so was mike, an I was going out so ever of them could of watched her it's not just my job to" yn responded annoyed

They started arguing over it for a while, when mike didn't want to hear them so he checked to see if holly was still sleeping and walked downstairs to the kitchen

Author's Note:
Little Sami is so cute, my fav new character in this so far

Also sorry if I hurt, upset or offended anyone with Holly's mum/mom I didn't mean to if I did

Thanks for reading loves xx

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