Chapter 19

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I sit with my mother and my sisters in my old bedroom, folding up a bundle of my clothes to take back to the mansion. I assumed I'd be back home before my first case of clothes needed laundering. Yeah right. It's been three weeks since I married Rico and I'm still there.

"How's things with the Mancini's?" Ma asks.

Since my family knows nothing about the kidnapping and Rico being shot, I'm not about to tell them. I keep everything on a peaceful note. "Yeah, better than I thought."

"What about his girlfriend? Is she still living with him?"

That question grates on my nerves, and I roll my eyes. "Yes, ma, they're a couple. Him and I aren't." I feel sorry for Rico having to endure the bitch for two weeks without the opportunity to get away from her stuck in a hospital bed.

"And how are you and Rico doing?"

I've not heard from Rico, so I'm not sure what to expect when we meet again. I've considered calling him but didn't because of Gia. What if she answered the phone? Worst still, what if he told her? Which is why I've been getting daily updates from his siblings on his progress. Last thing I want is another kicking. It was three days before I could walk right and four days before the swelling in my mouth subsided. Not to mention the bruises she left on my body. She's capable of anything and I'm not about to assume her threats at the hospital were just empty words.

"In all honesty, we've not spent a lot of time together," I confess. "I've spent more time with his brother, Marco."

"Which one is he?" Katie asks.

"He's the next one under Rico. We're the same age, only a month between us. We like the same things." I shrug. "We've been hanging out." My eyes dart between the three of them. "A lot."

I don't miss the smirk between my sisters. "Is it sexual?" Ella asks.

Ma whacks her on the arm. "Ella!"

I try to stop the silly little grin from spreading across my face, but giggle. "Of course you would think that?"

Ella rubs her arm. "Well, it could be."

It's hard to express my thoughts about a situation they are unaware of. When I returned to the mansion, I was falling into a depression. Nonna was at the hospital, and I couldn't see my family. I felt alone.

That's how Marco entered my life. I was on the top deck of the mansion one night, crying, contemplating the one thing I never want to contemplate again, when he appeared. He pulled me out of the darkness I was sinking into. So it's hard to express our connection since they don't know the truth.

"You guys don't understand because you're not living my life, but the last couple of weeks Marco's been there for me."

A sudden knock on the door has Katie saying, "I'll go." She jumps up to her feet and leaves the bedroom.

I continue folding, and within seconds Katie yells, "Lexi, you're wanted at the door?"

"Security must be ready to leave," I say. "I'll tell them I need another five minutes?"

With a quick step, I rush along the hall, wishing I had more time with my family. Especially since it's the first time I've seen them since I married Rico. Katie steps from the door, and my heart gallops as I make eye contact with Marcus.

He smiles, and it fills his face. "Hey, Lexi." He leans towards me as if he expects a welcoming embrace. But I pull back, still fresh in my mind the way he's treated me, disrespected me, been disloyal to me, unsympathetic to me.

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