Scot-free & A Chat

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A range of emotions layer Nate's face. Surprise. Disbelief. Confusion. For a brief moment he even looks happy, before guilt takes hold.

We stare at each other. Neither of us know what to say. My heart flutters in my chest like a bird desperately trying to escape. I attempt to swallow that feeling down; down and forgotten and crushed, just like how he'd left me yesterday.

Jesus. I honestly hadn't expected to hear from him ever again, let alone bump into him the next day.

"So, this is like fate or summin, innit?" Zach speaks up, glancing between us. Neither of us respond and he shifts on his feet, muttering, "Awkward," under his breath.

That seems to snap Nate out of it.

His eyes cut to Zach as if only just realising I wasn't alone. His lips part and he goes to speak only to stop when his eyes land on the duffel bag hanging from Zach's shoulder. They narrow and he glances between us, taking in our outfits.

We muster up matching, innocent smiles.

Nate sighs heavily, shaking his head in disappointment. His hand finds his face and he squeezes the bridge of his nose, eyes scrunched shut. "Please tell me it wasn't you who did this."

I can't tell if he was speaking to us directly or just saying the words out loud.

"Did what? We didn't do anything." Zach nudges me. "Did we, Sarah? We're completely innocent. I'll even show you my bag, if you want."

I turn to Zach with an expression which screams shut up!

Nate's hand runs down his face before he holds it out towards Zach. He steps forward, nodding. "Yes, I'm gonna have to ask to see your belongings." His voice is tired, as if he already knows what he's going to find and really can't be bothered to deal with it.

Zach hugs the bag close to him and steps back. "I withdraw my previous offer of showing you my bag."

Nate exhales heavily. "Why?"

"...because you weren't meant to say yes."

"Just show me it, Zach," he orders firmly. He wasn't messing around anymore. His spare hand taps his hi vi's, where the word POLICE sat. "Or does this mean nothing to you?"

Zach stares at him with hearts in his eyes, his voice a whisper as he hands over the bag. "He remembered my name," he whispers dreamily.

I step on his foot. Zach hops away from me with an ow. Nate doesn't so much as glance at us as he unzips the bag. He looks inside, pauses, and shakes his head with another sigh.

My eyes fall to the ground. I don't like how upset he looked with me. Probably disgusted for getting involved with a criminal. Fuck. I don't know why his opinion bothers me, but it really, really does.

"Who is the woman sitting in the back of my car?" Nate wants to know. I still don't look at him.

"She's innocent," Zach argues before I can. "A... A bystander. So is Sarah, actually. It was allll me."

"Zach, don't." I shoot him a look before turning my gaze to Nate. I can't look him in the face though. It was too hard with his disappointment... And also too soon after he'd hurt me. My eyes land on his chest taking in the equipment he had there, poking out from the hi-vis. "He's right. My mums innocent in this. So is Zach. But I'm not."

Nate's surprised. "That was your Mum?" he pauses. "She...She's a very, ah, raunchy woman, isn't she." He sounds awkward.

I don't stop myself from face palming. "Oh my god, she propositioned you, didn't she."

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