Chapter three: The Devil

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*Danielle POV*

It's been a couple of days. I've met Lucifer's wife, Chloe, and their daughter, Aurora. They are both really sweet and understanding that I'm scared, confused, just a mess of emotions.

If only Joy was here to sort me out.

"Miss Danielle?" Another demon walks up to me and bows.

" need to...bow..." I stutter, admiring him.

Why are all the demons so attractive?

"Of course. I'm here by request of the king. He wants me to train you, so you can use your powers. Teleportation and control of fire. Since you're half angel, you will learn the angel half of your powers at school. Your sister will learn her demon half at school." He says.

School. Oh sister. I haven't even had time to think about them.

"I normally train with the princess, she shall be here any moment."

A few minutes of waiting, princess Aurora walks in the room. I'll admit, I would never have guessed she was a princess if I wasn't told. Her hair was black, just like her dads, except she had dyed streaks of pink in it. I've never seen her wear anything feminine-looking. Chains, spikes, all black clothes, that was her style.

"Good evening, Lucas." She says. "Evening, Danielle."

Lucas bows and I do the same.

"No need to bow, Danielle." She says.

Why am I exempt from bowing?

I stand up again.

"Right. Shall we get started?" Lucas says.

"Sure." Aurora says.

"Aurora, how about you go first and show Danielle what to do?"

"Of course." Aurora says, putting her hands out in front of her. "You just have to focus, and imagine the fire doing what you want. Kind of like manifesting."

Within seconds, fire emerges from the floor and shoots up to the ceiling. Just as quickly as it appeared, it's gone.

"That was incredible, princess!" Lucas says. "Your turn, Danielle."

I try to copy Aurora's moves.

Focus...imagine what you want the fire to do...

It takes a couple of seconds, but the more I focus, the more fire starts to appear. I lose control and the fire stops.

"Well done, pri...Danielle!" Lucas says. "That was very good for your first time handling your powers!"

Was he about to say princess? He's only trained Aurora, he probably just got confused.
I blush at the thought, but quickly snap out of it when Aurora starts speaking.

"Yes! That was very good!" She says.

We continue trying to train for a few hours before Aurora calls it a day. Lucifer comes in and takes Lucas to the other end of the room. They start whispering.

God I wish I could hear what they were talking about.


What the hell was that?

The two finish talking and walk back over to me.

"There's probably something I should tell you." Lucifer says to me. "It's about your father... If you have any questions, now is the time to ask."

Uh, yeah I have questions. About a million actually.

"If my dad is a he still alive? Is he here?"

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