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Based on Jeon Jungkook's newly expanded vocabulary including certain English jargons, especially of an Australian kind due to his very fluent girlfriend, Park Chaeyoung.


 One of the biggest changes in Jeon Jungkook, since meeting Park Chaeyoung, is his expanding vocabulary. English has always been a language he'd dreamed of becoming fluent in, though it initially seemed impossible given the hectic nature of his schedule and his frank lack of will to learn, or at least, to make it a priority.

Music and performing has been his living, breathing and daily life for as long as he can remember and in the limited free time that he had, learning another language was never something he felt needed to be hierarchised.

Until, he'd started spending more and more time with her.

Ironically, when they'd first started talking with one another, Jeon Jungkook used it as an excuse to get closer with her.

He remembers vividly following the 2016 SAF Music Contest, at the after party held by idols. It was difficult for him to get a moment to talk with her, given her newfound popularity.

Her collaboration stage was impressive, to say the least.

Two hours had passed and Jeon Jungkook kept his eye on her the entire time, but couldn't find a window of opportunity to say hello.

Either she was with her fellow members or other idols who were congratulating her on what was truly an unexpected and thrilling performance.

So he gives up.

Jeon Jungkook heads to the back of the premise to head to the bathroom, mentally cursing at himself for not trying hard enough.

But he supposes that watching her from the distance will suffice, for the current situation.

As he leaves the bathroom, he hears what he swears is an angel's voice speaking in English.

He turns, out of instinct, not even because he was a busy-body but because something about that voice sounded so captivating—as though there were some sort of gravitational pull coming from it.

And she sees her, a step away from the back door (but still open and loud enough for him to hear) saying his goodbye.

She closes her phone and quickly heads back, to see that she's bumped into someone.

Into him.

"Oh—" she stops in her tracks, surprised as she blinks looking up at him, "... I'm sorry I wasn't looking Jungkook-ssi."

Jeon Jungkook can't help but feel his cheeks flush red, and he thinks the sound of his name from her lips is an experience in itself.

"It's not your fault, I'm sorry Rosé-ssi," he responds to her, "... your collaboration was amazing, I was thoroughly impressed."

She giggles, a sound that felt holier than angels themselves, making him raise his brows in wonder.

"Well—I know, actually my older sister just called and she said she saw some fancams and she said you and Taehyung-ssi were reacting to the performance really animatedly. She was jealous," she explains sheepishly, "... she just called me to tell me about it, she's a big fan."

Caught red handed.

He didn't mind though, especially since it made for good conversation.

"If it's not too much, can I get a photo with you?" Her voice is timid and shy, and he swears it takes everything in him not to pinch her cheeks in adoration, "... it's totally fine if you'd prefer not to—"

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