Not So Discreet.

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Based on the theory that Rosie rushed back to Seoul just in time for her boyfriend's birthday after months of being lowkey. Though his members have other plans, and the lovebirds can't help but show their good mood on social media.


Jeon Jungkook feels bad as he video calls his girlfriend on the other side of the world, watching as her eyes are swollen red with tears.

"It's okay darling," he tries to consolidate, but the evident disappointment in his eyes that he can't quite hide makes her cries more frantic, "... we can celebrate a day later, I'll spend tomorrow with the boys anyway."

He hates it.

Jeon Jungkook hates the way that his girlfriend of three years, can read him like an open book. One minor change in his face, perhaps in the way his smile was only curled a tiny bit or the way his eyes for a split second widened already showed to him that he was a little sad, knowing that his girlfriend could potentially not make it in time for his birthday in Seoul.

It had been a tradition for them, to spend their birthday together.

This year, they may not be able to.

Park Chaeyoung had perfectly crafted her schedule so that she'll be able to arrive just in time for the 1st of September. She'd go to the VMAS, briefly spend time in the after-party (which he allows because he knows how much she'd been dreaming on officially meeting Taylor Swift) and then a flight the next morning. Weeks prior, she'd already began fawning about how she'll just sleep the entire flight so they could be energised for his birthday celebration.

However, Park Chaeyoung just gotten a notification that her flight was delayed and there wasn't enough room on the previous flight for her and her security personnel.

"You don't need to cry, I'm not mad I promise," he coos softly, "... I don't like seeing you cry."

"I'm sorry Koo, I'm a bad girlfriend," she rubs the tears out of her eyes with the back of her palms, "... I don't know what to do."

Jeon Jungkook feels bad.

As much as he wishes to spend his birthday with her, he knows it's outside of her control.

He sighs, "... babe, I'm serious. It's totally okay."

"No it's not," she pouts this time, "... okay babe, let me figure it out."

Before he could assure her, she ends the video call.

He calls her again, but she doesn't pick up.

Ah, he shouldn't have made it a big deal.

Jeon Jungkook feels guilty.


He decides to keep himself busy for the next day, sending a text to his girlfriend to apologise for everything and asking him to call her tonight if she has time. Jeon Jungkook spends his time watching all the anime he'd had on his list, working out and doing some online shopping.

Even so, the time goes so slow without her and she's barely texting him back.

He decides to sleep, mainly because it's not like being awake will help the time go faster.

Even if it's a day later, he wants to spend his time with her.

Kim Seokjin consolidates him, "... even though your birthday comes once a year, you'll have at least eighty more birthdays to spend with her."

But on the 31st of August, he gets spammed texts from the other boys. It's barely 8am in the morning and there are a plethora of photos and messages.

@Jungkook is Chaeyoung in Seoul?

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