Chapter 9

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I woke up with a grand smile on my face. 'Can't wait to start the day' I thought to myself. I don't know why but today I'm really excited to go to school because for some reason it feels... I don't know....different.

I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. The moment I turned the knob, cold water came rushing through my naked body making me shiver and with that the memory of last night came scurrying through my mind making me jump up and down like a maniac.

Finally I got out of the shower and walked toward my walk-in closet. I took out a blue pair of jeans and a beige color shirt. Today I decided to put a little affort on dressing up for school. So I put a little bit of foundation and then I decided to put some eyeliner, mascara. Also to top it all that, a little bit of lip gloss on my lips.

I looked up at the mirror and found myself all dressed up for school. Well I hope I wasn't overdressed but I would say it was a very light make-up. I hope everything goes smoothly today.

After checking myself out for a couple of minutes, I went down the stairs toward the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Giving it a bite, I went out from my front door and noticed a black Lamborghini standing across my street. I didn't pay much attention to the car and started walking out of my porch But as I was walking out, I noticed someone got out of the car. My jaw dropped at the site of shock. What was he doing here?

"Ah...Nathan, what are you doing here?" I was really surprised.

"Well good morning to you too." he came toward me. And in a blink, he wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me toward him, giving me a breathtaking kiss. It was so gentle that I found myself being lost in his lips. This time I was the one who pulled back. Ugh...stupid stupid, stupid...why do I have to pull away? I was really mad at myself.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to be here" I said looking at his eyes that were looking directly at me.

"Well, I figure that since we started dating each other, we really don't need to hide anything from anyone. So I kind of decided to pick you up." He smiled at me. He was still holding me by the waist.

"Ok, alright let's go then" I smiled back.

He let go of my waist and the awesome gentleman that he is, opened the passenger door to let me in.

We both were silent and it didn't really bother us a lot because it was a comfortable one, not those awkward moment.

We arrived after what it felt like 10 minutes. To be honest, I was surprised that we got to school that fast. I never reach here that fast, wow, I gotta ask him to pick me up all the time.

He got out from his driver seat and opened the door to the passenger seat to let me out. The moment I got out, I felt everyone in the parking lot were looking at us like we are some species from outer space. Suddenly I felt an arm wrapped around my waist pulling toward a hard chest. I looked up and found Nathan smirking at me. I decide to look away.

" know everybody is staring....right" I said looking around.

"Well maybe everybody just amazed of how beautiful you look today." He said while we walked toward the school. He still didn't let go of my waist. But part of me was happy that he didn't let go. It felt safe, for some weird reason.

Luckily, I survived half of the day without any embarrassment. Turned out, now I'm the center of attention because all the gossips are about how a girl like me is dating Nathan. Well I didnt care what other people say about me, what matters is that me and Nathan like each other and nothing in the world would change that bond between us.

It was lunch time, it was hard to avoid people staring at me, but I managed like half of the day. I hope nothing embarrassing happens in the lunchroom.

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