Chapter 7: An unexpected surprise

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3rd POV:
It was a nice morning. The birds were chirping as the sun slowly rose from the horizon. Until a noise was heard in Andy's house.

Dei's POV:
"PETER, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" I was chasing Peter around the house after what happened last night. "COME ON SIS!!! CAN WE JUST TALK ABOUT THIS!?" begged my brother. I kept chasing his ass until I caught up to him.

Andy's POV:
I woke up after hearing some crashing noises from downstairs. "I guess Dei and Peter are awake..." I tried to stand up but fell to the ground immediately. "Maybe I shouldn't have let Peter continue" I thought silently as I limped over to the bathroom. I was giving myself a shower, I felt something weird in my stomach. I pushed it aside and went to change after finishing my shower. I was making my way downstairs, trying not to fall over, and saw Dei there cooking with Peter. For some reason, Peter kept looking away from me. "Hey uh Dei, what's wrong with Peter?" I asked her. "Oh, I just gave him a black eye, that's all." she said. I made my way towards Peter and saw a black eye on his right part of the face. "That's what Peter gets for not letting me sleep last night." I blushed as I remembered what happened last night. Peter did as well. "At least, Peter wore protection while fucking you right???" she continued. "Wait, what do you mean protection? Protection from what???" She immediately looked at me. "Uh Andy, it's like condoms and all that, it's protects you from having a baby." she explained while turning off the stove. "I don't remember Peter putting that on...." I said. She immediately froze on her tracks. She looked at me then at Peter. "Peter, if you got this poor apple pregnant, I will BEAT YOUR ASS!!!" Peter already looked scared but immediately responded with something that probably saved him from being blind. "Well- if I did get him pregnant, you get to be an aunt and I get to be a dad." Dei actually looked surprise at what he said. "Damnit Peter, you saved yourself this time. Anyway, let's eat now and I'll help Andy with his pregnancy test. Ok???" We all nodded and sat down to eat. After we finished, me and Dei went upstairs to do the pregnancy test while Peter was downstairs cleaning the dishes. I was so nervous, I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother, I guess. Dei put her hand on my shoulder "Everything will be fine Andy, me and Peter will be here to help you..." I smiled a bit, Peter was lucky to have a relative to help him with his problems. Especially Dei. We both looked down on the pregnancy test on my hand and it turned out positive.

Peter's POV:
"I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm nervous, I'm-" I was interrupted when I heard someone yell from upstairs. "PETER!!! GET UP HERE!!!" I quickly made my way upstairs to see Andy there crying with tears of joy and my sister hugging him. "What the hell happened here???" Dei passed me the pregnancy test that was on her hand and it was positive. I immediately grabbed Andy from the ground and hugged him. He hugged me back. We were gonna be parents. "I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!" My sister celebrated around the entire house, "IM GONNA BE A FUCKING AUNT!!!" Guess she was happy for this, we only had 1 problem. Me and Andy weren't married. "Hey um, you guys, me and Andy aren't like officially together, you know marriage and all..." Dei looked at me, she knew I was right. "Well, I guess we better start planning." she said. We all left the house to share the good news with everyone. Everyone was happy for us. Margaret started calling for godmother's rights. "Alright you guys, if we're gonna plan this wedding, we gonna plan it fast. Margaret, you'll be in charge of decorations. Felix, you'll be the pope, since you've been to weddings before and you know what they say, Melody will be the flower girl, Claus and me will take care of you two." Claus and Dei both looked at us. "Claus, you take Peter and I'll take Andy." He nodded and pulled us away. Claus dragged me into his house and tried to find a suit that would be right size for me. "Why do you have a lot of suits?" I asked him. "I just like being fancy, shoot, I don't have any around your size, well I do, but the sleeves and back tail are too small." We both thought until he got an idea. He grabbed the biggest suit he got, made the sleeves and back tail a bit longer with some back clothing that he got, and put it on me. I looked at myself in the mirror. Not gonna lie but I sure looked great in it. "Ah, one more thing" he found a green rose (fake one) and put it on the suit. "There, now you look like a groom." I sure looked great, now I wonder how my future husband/waifu was doing.

Andy's POV:
"Wow, Dei, I didn't know you were a designer. This looks lovely." I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a white suit with a long dress gown on the side that was very nice. It was very lovely indeed. "Thank you Dei." I said. "Anything for my future brother in law." She was right, we both were gonna be family together soon. I took off the dress and handed it back to Dei, until I felt like I was gonna puke. I made my way to the bathroom and puked on the toilet. "Hey you alright sugar???" she asked. "Yh, I'm fine, just a bit sick, probably pregnancy sickness..." I said. "Don't ya worry Andy, I'm gonna make you something to drink while we continue on the head dress." I nodded a bit.

Margaret's POV:
I was busy hanging up some lovely flower lines above the Wedding Arch. Felix was busy practicing the I do's and all that. Melody helped put on some lovely flower decorations on the red carpet heading over the wedding arch. Everything was looking perfect. After finishing decorating the arch. I made my way down the ladder until I slipped. Luckily someone caught me and it was Dei. "Woah, careful Margaret, don't wanna lose the godmother before the baby is born." She put me down and I thanked her. "Everything looks lovely you guys." We all agreed. "Hey where's Andy?" Melody asked. "Busy being held by Peter, he's very excited for this..." Felix spoke out "wait- isn't it bad luck for the groom and bride to be together before their wedding day." "Nah, only on their wedding day, which is tomorrow, looks like Peter is sleeping in the barn tonight." We all saw Dei make her way to Peter and Andy. We all laughed when Peter started holding Andy close and yelling at Dei.

This was unexpected surprise for all of us...

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