Chapter 3

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[A/N] I'm really sorry, like, REALLY SOORRY! For not updating that much. But I'm still thankful 'cause I didn't really know that somebody was actually reading whatever this is... Sorry for not updating.


Tristan's POV

Tch. Where the hell is Annie? What's taking so long? Uuugh! Why the hell am I even worried? Probably, because she's your sister and you like her. My subconscious scowls at me. He's right tho, for being my sister but, Fuck no! I like her?! No! No! No!

*calls Annie*

"Onii-chan? Doushitano?"

"Ah, nandemonai, Annie... Just checking if you're fine."

"Haha! You're weird onii-chan!" Me? Weird? *facepalms* look who's talking. *smiles*

"Merischka! Here's your slurpee!" Woah, is that a guy's voice?


"Annie? Who's that?" Who the hell? Annie... YOU better come home early...

"That's Castillo-kun... I just met him..." 

"Annie, What did I tell you?" 

"Hai, hai! Jaa ne! Onii-chan!" *hangs up*

Annie, you little—-. Mom and Dad are gonna be so pissed. More like, YOU'RE pissed. Tch. Fcking subconscious.

*snaps finger* "Max, can you fetch Annie? She's in the Ozone, where you'll always find."

"Yes, sir. Right away, sir." —-Max

"Never mind that, I'll come with you." But I think I still have a meeting or so. "I'll stay in the car, you'll still fetch her." Deal with it later...


Merischka's POV

@ In the car

Eeeeeh?! The hell is onii doing here? =3=

"Eeeeeh?! I thought when Max said, there was 'this' emergency. I thought Mom and Dad were like mad at me again?!"

"I'm mad Annie." *sighs* "Who's that 'Castillo-kun'?"

*FIST PUMPS in the air* "He was someone who helped me, when—-" *fangirl mode on* "I bumped into someone who was cosplaying Levi from Shingeki no Kyojin! And I can tell that he's soooo, soooooooo...." *covers face* No. I can't fangirl right now. Onii-chan is mad...

"Hmmm." -______- "So, you like him?"

Eh? "Eh? *Dare?*" Eeeeh?!

"That boy. That, that Castillo guy." *sighs* "Please, tell me you're using his last name."

Hmmpf! "I thought... Nah~ Daijoubu, Onii-chan!" *pats shoulder* "I don't like him! And of course, I'm using his last name! You know I always use that first, until we get that———-"


>////////>) Argh! I. Can't. Breathe.

"Annie." *hugs tighter* "NEVER EVER MEET SOMEONE ANONYMOUSLY. Okay?!"

"Ha-hai, Onii-ch-chan. Oni-i-. I. Can't. Brea—the."

"Aah! Gomen-gomen..." *let go of Annie*

*INHAAAAAAALESSS* *exhales* Tch. Hugging me like that. =_= Unexpectedly too! I'm not a kid anymooooorrre!


"Gomenasaiii! Annie! ;)" Tch.

"Onii! You can't apologize like that then, winking!? SRSLY?!"

"Uhmm, excuse me. We're here, Sir. Annie."

"What with the 'Sir' Maxxy? Onii-chan is onii-chan! :D You don't have to be so stiff!" *pats back like a man 3x*

"Annie! It's none of your business. Let's go! Mom and Dad may be waiting..."


"Mama! Papa! *TADAAAAIMAA!*"

"Wow! Merischka! How come you are soooo energetic today?" *kisses Annie's cheek* "Did you met someone today?"

Eh?! How the heeyy, did she found out?! *bluuuuuusssh* >//////>)

"Did I hit that one hard?!" *pats Annie's shoulder*

"Mama! Ssshhhh!!!" I scowl at Mama. Geez. She is sooo nosy when it comes to this stuff! "Let's talk about it later!"

"But there's no gonna be 'later', love." *turns to Tris* "Welcome back Tristan! How was work today?"

"Yes, Dad, Mom." *gestures someone at the door to come inside* "I'd like you to meet, my girlfriend. Max, come inside! IT'S OKAY!"

"WHAAAAAAAT?! Max?! You meeeaan?" What?! Then, what's with all those Sir and Politeness?! Is that why, Onii kept it secret from Mom and Dad about Max?

"Oh, really?! I'm so glad you finaallly had a girlfriend, Tris!" —-Mom

"Oh, thank heavens, Son! I thought you were gay, to be honest." —-Dad

"My name is Maxene Miller. I'm 25 years old. Nice to meet you, Tris' parents!" *turns to Annie* "Annie." *winks*

>/////>) How come I know nothing of this?! And 21?!

"Twenty-one?! You look like an 18 year old to me!" —-Mom

"4 year older than you, Tris! Never thought you liked older women." —-Dad

"Me too, dad. I never thought I'd like her, and all her tsun-tsun mode."

She's a TSUN?! No wonder she's all politeness and 'Sir' and shy!

"Ne, Onii-chan? Mom? Dad? Can I borrow Maxxy, for this night?"

"Eeeh? Aren't you a little selfish now, Merischka?" —-Mom

"Ask your bro not me. I'm gonna go watch some basketball..." *walks out of the room*

"Annie, I don't mind.." *follows dad*

"But, Annie... I was planning to help your Mom, get ready for dinner." —-Max

"Pleaaase? Moom?!"

"Okay! Okay already, Merischka!" *sighs* "Make yourself at home now, Max"

"Thank you, Mrs. Herzen." Hahaha! Again, with that honorifics. She must be really a TSUN!

"Maxxy! Let's go to my room!"


Hi, lovely readers!

*dare = who

*tadaima = I'm home

_Here's some info loves_

Thanks for reading! I promise that from now on, I'll finish what I started! :3 Gambatte to meee~ :3

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