Chapter 5

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Merischka's POV

What should I give Mom... She'll be gone for like 5 months anyway. *glances at clock* Shoot! It's almost 10 o'clock! And I have school tomorrow! Maybe, I'll give her Asuna's necklace. (tear-shaped = Yui's heart from SAO) *sigh* What will we do after Mom and Dad are gone for business trip?

"Merischkaaa?" *knocks* Shoot, mom! "Yeah mom!? Come in! It ain't locked."

"I haven't been in your room lately, but wow! I never thought you're into goth style!" Mom patted my head when she entered. I'll miss her do that...

"You know what, mom!? I was planning to buy new color! I think I'd add black and purple or black and blue! Isn't that awesome? Kawaii?!"

"That's cute, honey! You know, when I was young, I've always dreamed of having this kind of bedroom. I think, you got this from me... :)" Ohh, mom! Why do I feel like you're gonna be gone for a thousand years?! I hugged mom, like I've never hugged her before.

"Mom! Can you not go?"

"If only I can, honey..." I let go of mom and gave her the necklace.

"Mom, it's for you! In the anime, this necklace was Yui's heart. Yui is Asuna and Kirito's daughter in-game."

"Oh, honey! Suteki da ne~?" *wears it immediately* "Does it suits me?" Wow, mom! :')

"Mom! It suits you better than me! A hundred times better!"

"Hahaha! Aren't you overreacting?" :) Mom pinched my cheek. Geez, how I'll miss this. "Anyways, lets talk about that boy you met today!" Eh?!

"Eh? Eh-ha-ha-ha... What're you talking about mom?" He-he-he-he. Shoot.

"Come on! Tell me! :3 You were jolly than ever before earlier!" Ugh! Mom really is nosy! :) She won't stop bugging me if I didn't tell her. I've no choice...

"All right! All right alreadyyy!" =3= "The thing is, Mom, I don't know him. He just bumped into me and he too was cosplaying my favourite character in Shingeki no Kyojin, who's name is Levi." Shoot, em being an idiot again. Like mom knows him. :/ "Aah! Anyways... he bumped into me and he said... what he said..."

"Oh, he's a bad boy then! No wonder you like him!" ;)

"Mom, he said, 'Tch, IT'S YOU'RE fault for not watching where you're going.'" *sigh* "It sounds to me that he's annoyed tho."

"Honey, boys are like that. At first, they're annoyed, but they really actually care." What? Is. Mom. Talking. About?

"But Mom! He doesn't even know me!" Yeah. He doesn't even know me. How will he 'secretly care'?

"Maybe he knows you but you don't. Because, I know you're not a people person." Well, as always, Mom's right. "You can sleep now, honey. Wake up early! You have classes tomorrow. You're a college student now."

Mom tucked me in my bedsheets. "Good night, honey." She kissed me on my forehead. A good night kiss.

"Good night, Mom."

—The Next Day—

Monday, 2nd week of being a college student.

Oh no! I'm late for my class! Tch. It's already 6:35 ! I took a bath for like half an hour. I don't need make-up. Unlike other girls. I don't even know how to put a make-up. >w>) I know how to put eye-liner like Hayley Williams' emo look on their 'Riot!' and 'All We Know Is Falling' album. Maybe, I should put some. :D Just light. Not emo or gothic dark.

"Onii-chan, I'm going to school now!" Oh shoot, I forgot! "Where's Mom and Dad?"

"They already went out. Remember? They have this business trip to go to?" Nii is drinking coffee while reading some magazine. "At least, drink your milk before you go?"

"EEEeeeEEeh?! I don't drink milk, onii-chan! Ugh! Milks are disgusting!"

"Huuuh? But you like cheese?"

"That's different!" *pouts* "I'll go buy what I'll want on the way. *Jaa ne~ Onii-chan."

"Annie! Your school I.D.?"

"School I.D.? Hmmmmm..." Where did I put it? Oh, its in mah pocket! "Check! Phone, check! Hanky, check! Errr, earphones..... CHECK!" fufufufu~ "Bye bye~"

"Annie wait! Com'ere for a sec." I went toward Nii, then... *hugs* "Take care! :)" *pats head*

"*Mouu iye! I'm not a kid anymoreeee! =3=" Geez!


Geez! Because of Nii! I'm late! Aaargh! On my way to the entrance, I bumped into someone. Again. Why the heyy am I so clumsy? "*Itai..." I glanced who that was and. And. AAANNND! "eeh?!" Eh?! "*Omae!"

"You!" *facepalms* "Again. Watch where you're going! Tch." He picked up his school I.D. After that, he went on. Leaving me there, sitting. Staring at his back. >////>)

Oh my gosh!! That thing called Meant to be! >///< Oh, how I wish. IT WAS LEVI! That man who I bumped onto on Ozone! >////>

GEEZ! I stood up and picked up my phone, and school I.D. Must've been fell on the ground 'cause of my clumsiness. "Eh?!" When I checked my school I.D. Oh golly! It's his, not mine! I checked what's his name and his name is 'Levi Herwin'. What a coincidence. He cosplayed someone who has the same first name as his! And he's in the same class as me?! Why don't I know him?!

Mom is, yet again, right. I am not a people person. That's probably why. 

I skipped my 1st class, I'm late anyways. 8am. Sooo, next up is Math class.



*Jaa ne - Later

*Mouu iye - It actually means no or enough. But in animes they translate it as 'Enough already' because it'll sound weird if it's just a word or.... (correct me if I'm wrong. (: )

*Itai - It hurts

*Omae - You! ('You' can also be 'anata' but 'anata' can be darling in different writings.)

I dunno what to think of Levi's surname, so I combined Hemmings and Irwin. :D (5SOS baby) And she knew he's in the same class because their I.D. is actually designed as a small notebook (like on passports) And the schedule is also written there. She's BS Psych and so is Levi.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2015 ⏰

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