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CHAPTER 2 !— friends?

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— friends?

ELAINA AND MALACHI met up at the library the next day to continue studying

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ELAINA AND MALACHI met up at the library the next day to continue studying. the exam was in three days, and elaina tried her best to prepare him for what was to come. he actually understood the concepts quite well, so it wasn't an issue on her behalf.

"so, does that make sense?" she asked as she'd finished explaining the last question on the study guide.

he nodded. "yeah, i think it's all kinda starting to make sense now." he replied with a slight smile.

"that's good, i think you'll do great!" she exclaimed, returning the smile back.

"thanks again for all your help elaina, you've honestly helped me learn way more than mrs. cooper has this year." malachi joked, causing them to laugh.

"that- honestly sounds a bit concerning considering it's almost break and we've only studied together for two days." she replied.

"well- she's just- so boring, you know what i mean." he asked, she nodded as the two laughed.

the two talked about school and their classes. they'd figured out that next semester they'd have two classes together, and their free periods was the same, which was cool. the bell rang amongst their conversation, and they started packing up their things.

"hey, thanks again for everything elaina, i really appreciate it." he says, as the two walked to the exit like the day before.

"of course, if you need help with anything else i'll probably be here during this period." she joked. "but uh- i'll see you around hopefully." she said as the two walked out of the library.

"got it, thanks, and yeah hopefully i'll see you around." he replied, before the two turned in opposite directions.

elaina headed to the cafeteria, easily spotting stella this time, and walked over to the table and sat down. "so... how'd the library go? did he show up or-" stella  asked in a teasing tone.

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