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CHAPTER 3 !— exam day

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— exam day

IT WAS EXAM DAY and malachi and elaina were quite nervous

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IT WAS EXAM DAY and malachi and elaina were quite nervous. mrs. cooper had a tendency to make her exams much harder than her tests and quizzes. at least they'd be getting it over with before break. the two were currently in the library, as usual, trying to study last minute before the exam.

"so, are you sure you know how to do everything on the study guide by yourself or-" elaina asked.

malachi sarcastically rolled his eyes at her. this was what felt like the thousandth time she'd asked him that question. "elaina i think we're fine." he laughed.

"speak for yourself because i'm actually gonna cry." she panicked.

"i don't think mrs. cooper would like if her favorite star student failed one of her hardest tests." he joked, not helping the situation.

"malachi, stop, you're not helping!" she replied.

the two finished going over the study guide for the third time, making them both feel ready this time. "so, how come we only ever see each other in the library?" he asked, the two had put away their things away already, but sat conversing as half the period still remained.

"i don't know, maybe because our schedules are completely different." she joked.

"no- i mean like, we only ever see each other in school, why don't we like hang outside of school for once?" he asked.

she shrugged. "we should during break, sounds kinda fun." she suggested. "actually, maybe we could this weekend, we do kinda deserve it after this exam." he nodded in agreement

the two exchanged phone numbers, as they couldn't figure out a plan on where they were going just. the period was over and the two exchanged goodbyes before heading their separate ways.

elaina immediately told stella what had happened with malachi when she sat down. with each new piece of information she became more shocked. the two geeked over the situation.

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