Chapter two

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"Anna, happy birthday" said Mister Boris Yakovlovich as I gave him some food. Poor Mister Boris, he's all alone in the cold night streets. I wonder how he keep himself nice.

"Thank you "

"You know Anna, as you grew older, you are having similarities between..." he didn't finish because he was still eating, he was very hungry.

Having similarities? With whom?

"You are having similarities between the Grand Duchess Anastasia" he finished, wait what? Really? I am having similarities between the Grand Duchess Anastasia? A Romanov? I still haven't see the Grand Duchess and her family yet, these things make me more hopeful to see them.

"The delicate nose..." he touched my nose hard, ouch Mr. Boris, "those thin lips..." he pointed out my lips, " the way of yours and her hair, the only thing is that you have auburn while she is strawberry-blonde..." I am now trying to imagine her, what she looks like, "the blue eyes and you are looking the same height as she is" he finally said.

Wow, am I really look like her?

"And you are a shibzik..." he is still eating, so what? I am a shibzik, I admit. "An imp, and I heard that the Grand Duchess Anastasia is also a shibzik" wait what? She is also a shibzik? I thought there is no imps when you are royalty, what weird things.

"You are like Twins" he said. Twins? With a Romanov? That is too impossible, I'm just a simple girl, Anna Nikolaevna Abramova.

"Well, Mr. Boris, I have to go, Ekaterina is now maybe worried sick" he just said goodbye and I did the same. Mr. Boris knows about the truth that I am only adopted by Ekaterina, even he's now a beggar, he is still clever. Many already has said that I am having similarities between the Grand Duchess Anastasia, some say, I am like her twin, which I can't still believe. I am just a girl who were found on a garbage, I am abandoned by my parents.

I always ask myself and to God, why my parents abandoned me? Do they love me or not? Or they have nothing to give to me anymore because of poverty? But why they just abandoned me on a garbage? How could they?

Then I heard men singing, but they sounded drunk. When I looked at the direction where the singing come from, they were in a truck, swinging and toasting their glasses, and they said; "happy birthday to the Grand Duchess Anastasia! Anastasia, Anastasia, Happy Merry Birthday!" They look like in military because of their attire, but mostly they look like idiots, the Grand Duchess Anastasia will surely just laugh at them. I can't also believe that me and the Grand Duchess Anastasia have the same birthday, so sometimes I say to myself that I am a twin of hers. It's just very weird, many have said that I look like Anastasia, and of course, we have the same birthday.

When I first learn that I have the same birthday with her, funny thoughts flowed through my head. Now, that many have said that I look like her, more confused and funny thoughts conquer my head.

I looked at Mr. Boris as he walk, poor man, he is abandoned for no reasons, once, me and Ekaterina offered him to stay with us, but he refused, he said that he will be just hard for us. If I can only do something.

The necklace that Ekaterina gave me shimmer bright, which caught my attention. The necklace is very beautiful, in the center I saw the...Romanov crest?! The Romanov crest on my necklace, the Romanov crest, I am wearing it. Where did really this come from? Why does it have the Romanov Crest? This will be worth a fortune if someone saw this and get this.

'It was given by a man who said it must be given to you' Ekaterina's words flow through my head, who is this man? Is he a nobleman to have this? Why is then given to me? This is a precious thing.

"Here we go to start a revolution, so goodbye to the birthday girl Anastasia!" Again the men sang, wait? They are starting a revolution? When? People must know this. They can't be serious, we are already in The Great War, now they are starting a revolution. I must tell this to Ekaterina.

I run to the house and Ekaterina saw me.

"Anna, what is with the running? It's time to go to sleep, it's already 9"

"Ekaterina, I saw bolshevik soldiers singing..." I can't finish my sentence because I was catching my breath.

"So?" She asked with one eyebrow raised.

"They are starting a revolution, against the Romanovs" her eyes widened.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes, well, I don't know actually, they were drunk" I laughed a bit...stupid me.

"Anna, I think we need to get inside, and take a shower" she said.

After I took shower, I went to my room and I saw Ekaterina there.

"Anna, we don't know if they are telling the truth, they are drunk, as what you said" she said

'What if they are telling the truth, they are bolshevik' I thought, Bolshevik; enemy of the Romanovs and the Monarchy, so I'm sure...I think.

"They are bolshevik you know" I said.

"Still" she said, then offered me to sit beside her.

I sighed in defeat, "okay, I guess you are right"

"Okay, go to wear something, goodnight"


Oh Lord God, what will happen?

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