TEN ; game over

895 40 35

After finishing her rant towards the gift, she had noticed Midoriya was standing in the doorway, "Oh, Fanboy.", (Y/n) motioned for him to sit besides her. He obliged as he sat next to her, fidgeting with his bandages.

"So.. What did you..", he hesitated on his words, (Y/n) watching his fingers dance along the white cloth on his arm, "You're wondering what I meant, huh?", Midoriya nodded, eyes glancing over to (Y/n)'s (e/c) orbs. She hummed, scratching at her head, "Well, to put it in simple terms, it's my quirk."

With even the mention of quirk, Midoriya perked up as he silently grabbed his notebook, "Your quirk..?", she nodded, not minding his weird, fanboy activities, "Yeah, I'm given missions and quests to complete. Sort of like a video game.", he continued writing down as she explained her quirk – from missions to her battery, even down to when she got her quirk.

Although she did feel a bit vulnerable telling him such things, she figured to do so since she'd have to be friends with him – or at least look out for him.

"So you're basically a gaming character?", he asked, head tilting in confusion. (Y/n) raised a brow, a small smirk on her lips, "Glad you could point out the obvious, Fanboy."

Though, while her attitude had became joyful with a bit of teasing, it soon reverted back to a serious expression, "..Right, I forgot to mention that."

She sighed, Midoriya becoming increasingly worried and curious, "Mention what?", (Y/n) tapped at her thigh, eyes trained downwards to her lap, "The reason why I came to UA was because there's a virus.. I'm not sure what, but if I don't find it by the time I graduate, them I'll die.", she looked upwards, "I also know your secret."

"What-?", Midoriya was, again, interrupted by (Y/n), "Don't play dumb, Midoriya. You and All Might have some sort of bond, right?", he nodded, hesitant to reveal his secret.

"I'm guessing you're in his debt for something... Possibly power inheritance.", she mumbled, looking through his information. The same, sketched out words, still visible when she uses analyze. Midoriya caught her words, though. Stiffening at her quick assumption.

(Y/n) shrugged, lack of care towards the subject, "I don't care though. As long as you don't tell anyone why I'm here, then I won't spill your secret, got it?", he nodded, shaking her extended hand. Midoriya parted his lips, ready to ask something, "(L/n).. How did you figure out about that?"

She hummed, "Oh right. I saw you and a skeleton guy on the street by my apartment. I couldn't hear anything you were saying, but at the time I assumed he was scolding you. Coincidentally, I had gotten my analyze skill and so I tested it out on you and him. Turns out, I witnessed you gaining All Might's power. It was pretty boring though, if I'm honest."

Ignoring the last part, Midoriya had nodded. He sighed, "Thank you, (L/n), for telling me this.", she slapped the back of his head, not used to the sappy words, "Don't get all gushy right now! I'm not used to it!"

Whilst this had happened, a figure stalked the outside of the door. Listening to their exchange. Heading upcoming footsteps, they decided to walk away from the scene. A scowl on their face as they left the building.

Midoriya had bid his goodbyes to the girl as she gave him a simple wave. Taking her time to walk back to her class, she ruffled her hair, "I hope Fuji's doing alright..", sighing, she opened the door to the classroom.

Eyes turned to see the figure, only to see (Y/n) standing there with a wave, "Hey, hey.", she stated. Silence overtook the room as few wails were heard, soon arms gripping at her sides and legs, "I'M SORRY, (L/N)!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!!", Uraraka cried, as Hagekure did too, "ARE YOU OKAY??"

Stiff and confused, (Y/n) stood in the doorway with two of her classmates clinging onto her, 'I haven't even interacted with either of them.. Yet they're worried?'

Pushing them off of her, she scratched at her arm, "I'm standing right now, so I'm fine. You both are seriously being weird..", hearing a mumble from Sero – "says the one who was obsessing over a lingerie magazine." – she snapped her head in his direction, "YOU HAVE TAPE DISPENSERS AS ELBOWS, SHUT UP!"

Sighing, she grabbed her bag from her seat, "Anyways, I'll get going. I have to pick up Fuji from school.", throwing it over her shoulder, Mina chimed in, "Who's that? Is he your kid or something?", Mina gasped, "YOU'RE A MOM?"

"Woah, you're a mom?", Kirishima stood by her side, raised brows as (Y/n) rolled her eyes, "No, I'm not a mom. He's my brother. I take care of him since our parents got murdered.", silence fell upon the room, (Y/n) smiling as she waved goodbye, "I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

Before she could leave a comment from Sero echoed in the room, "Why do orphans love boomerangs? Because they actually come back."

(Y/n) grabbed a dart from her inventory, quickly shooting it towards him. As it hit his arm, she walked out of the classroom. Denki had tagged along, Mineta going home early.

Picking Fuji from school, the three of them got their meals and parted ways. Fuji waved towards Denki, who did the same.




Walking into the apartment after they had stopped arguing what Fuji's nickname is, (Y/n) plopped on the couch as Fuji laid besides her.

She clicked on a random channel and sighed, "Wanna guess what almost happened today?", Fuji hummed, glancing over with curiosity, "Huh?"

"I almost died for the fifth time."



They shared a high-five, Fuji falling asleep soon after due to the boring sea documentary. (Y/n) stayed awake, scrolling through her apps on her phone. Laying her head on Fuji's, she soon got a text from an unknown number.

It's game over for you.

"Now that.. was cringe."


short chapter for this. kind of a filler because i wasn't sure what to do for this. anyways, two chapters in one day - feeling a little proud of myself.

not proofread.

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