ELEVEN ; stranger

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As per usual, (Y/n) had sat on the couch whilst watching a movie. Headphones in and entranced by the film, she didn't notice the upcoming bucket of water from behind.

"ONEECHAN, LOOK!", Fuji shouted, enough to blare over the volume of the audio. With curiosity, (Y/n) turned, (e/c) eyes slowly reaching her brothers standing figure, "Wha—"

SPLASH! A heavy crash of water hit her hair and down her body. The couch soaked as her laptop circuited with electricity. Feeling the bolts of power go through her, the familiar chime of her battery made her sigh.

"Fuji..", (Y/n) held her head in her hands, clearly about to snap. Fuji stiffened with fear, contemplating on running for it, ".. You do realize that laptop was 300,000 yen, right?", her head turned, hands balling into fists, "That was worth more than—"





Hearing a knock on the door, the two of them froze. (Y/n) having Fuji in a headlock as he was gripping at her arm. Another knock echoed within the silent room.

Quickly, (Y/n) moved from her position – not without giving a quick pinch to Fuji, which gained a yelp in response, "Go get dressed for school.", he nodded, giving a silent, "Yes ma'am."

Moving to the door, Brandon – the mailman – stood with a few envelopes. A smile etched his face as he handed (Y/n) the letters, "Hey, here's your mail.", she waved towards, a half smile on her face to show appreciation, "Thanks. I haven't seen you in a while so I thought you died."

Laughing, he shook his head, "No, no! I'm not going to end up like my parents!", (Y/n) smirked as she gave him a quick high-five, "Parentless duo!"

Fuji tugged at her shirt, tilting his head, "Oneechan, I'll be late for school..", she nodded, patting his head as she opened her inventory. Switching her saved outfit to her uniform, she slipped on her shoes as Fuji did the same.

By now, Brandon had said his goodbyes to go do mailman stuff. (Y/n) and Fuji trudged down the sidewalks towards his school. Although Fuji had walked to school alone many times before, (Y/n) decided to bring him this morning – since his school is a few streets away from UA.

"I'm sorry for breaking your laptop, by the way.. I just wanted to pull a prank on you.", Fuji sniffled, wiping away his guilty tears as they stood out front his school. (Y/n) crouched, ruffling his hair, "It's fine, I can probably get a new one. Next time you do that though, I'll be sure to snap your neck more times than you can count."

He nodded, hugging his sister as Fuji smiled, "Thank you, oneechan! Be safe!", he waved goodbye as he ran into the school doors, (Y/n) returning the gesture, "Still upset about my laptop, but his pout game is too strong."

Sighing, she walked street to street to her school. The light hums of a tune stuck in her head. Bobbing her head to the beat, it had gotten interrupted by her phone ringing. Picking up, without looking at the caller, she hummed, "Hello?", a familiar voice followed, "Oh, you picked up!"

"Yeah..? Why wouldn't I?", the voice belonging to her colleague from work, Mirki, causing (Y/n) to slightly stiffen. I mean, after all, she hadn't attended her job in quite some time, "Well anyways, boss wants to know if you're coming into work today. If not, that's fine, you'll just be fired."

(Y/n) sighed, slumping over as a few strands of hair fell onto her face, "I'll quit, I have to focus on my training at UA.", an exaggerated gasp echoed in the call, "UA?! YOU'RE IN THAT HERO SCHOOL?!"

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