TWELVE ; crusty guy

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before i start, i want to make something clear: (y/n) sits in asui's spot. ( if you're confused, there's a reference above with the respective names of everyone in the class. )

my handwriting is bad, so i apologize for that </3..

also, changed some of the dialogue bcuz it's been 2 years since i've watched bnha's s1.


The time passed quickly throughout the day. (Y/n) growing bored, occasionally throwing paper balls at the back of her classmates heads - mainly Denki. Him doing the same while Aizawa had gave them threats, though continuing to sleep.

Her unbearable boredom was soon broken though, Aizawa sauntering away from the sleeping bag and behind the podium. (Y/n) halted the pen that soun between her fingers, looking at the figures hips, "Hm.. His hips don't lie..", she mumbled, though the person next to her had heard the comment.

"I know right? He's Shakira, for real.", Kirishima whispered, leaning over not so subtly. (Y/n) turned her head, replying, "Yeah he is, but minus her crime for tax evasion.", he nodded, going back to his position like nothing has happened.

While (Y/n) was staring at Aizawa, she let her mind wander elsewhere. The pen she had been twirling before was now tapping against her palm, 'I wonder who that guy was.. Why was he so forward? He was kind of ugly too. He would look better if he actually moisturized. I'll call him... Crusty..? He is crusty, so it fits.'

"-/n).. (L/n)!..", a shout from beside her had caused her instincts to come out. She pinned them to the ground whilst having their face directed towards the flooring, "GAH-!"

"Oh, it's just Turbo.", once off of him, Iida stood with a shaky breath, clearly startled by the action. (Y/n) scratched at her neck, "Sorry about that. You scared me, so I reacted on instinct."

He nodded, fixing his glasses, "I apologize, (L/n). I hadn't meant to scare you in such a way!", Iida's voice had became louder than intended, (Y/n) patting his shoulder, "Quiet your tone, Turbo.", just as he was about to apologize again, he quirked a brow up in confusion, "... Turbo? Who's Turbo?.."

(Y/n) gasped, clapping her palm against her mouth, "YOU DON'T KNOW THE MOVIE TURBO?"

He shook his head, clearly confused. That's when (Y/n) began to explain the full plot of the movie, even bringing in the dialogue as well. All while they had grabbed their costumes and stood outside the locker rooms. A few people joining in to listen, such as Sero and Kirishima. Denki popping in to explain a few things as well. Iida, along with Momo who had also been confused, had nodded along to their nonsense rant.

".. And that's it.", (Y/n) finalized, switching her outfits to her hero costume. Iida nodded, rubbing at his chin, "I see.. so he's a snail that turns out to be fast after going through a freak accident?", (Y/n) nodded, "Yep!"

Momo hummed, "Ah, so you compared Iida to the snail because he's fast?", nodding again, a smirk came upon her face, "Yep! Smart nickname, right?"

"Actually, it's the opposite. It's quite.. slow-witted. Iida didn't go through the same accident as the snail. He developed his quirk overtime, not due to some.. odd interaction. The reason behind it could've been shortly summarized, looking at it from a logical perspective. Although, the longer route was taken instead. I just cannot understand why you decided on such a damfool name.. It'd be easier to call him by his real name rather than a silly nickname."

(Y/n) stood stiff, the area around her grew quiet while Momo said such words, "First of all, you're nothing but a trashy hoe.", a vine boom sound effect had echoed through the air. Sero, Kirishima, and Denki stood with their mouths gaped. Iida still focused on the turbo statement, while Momo looked offended.

"Second of all.. Your- You suck dick."

"Third of all, you're not a boss ass bitch, you're a boss ass trashy hoe."

Many vine booms echoed while (Y/n) walked away. The rest clearly shocked. Iida perked from his thought, "Turbo is now on my possible hero name list."


The bus had been packed full, Iida sulking in disappointment. (Y/n) had seated herself beside Denki and Aoyama, scrolling through her skills and raising her levels with leftover money and points from side-quests. Denki had watched in amazement, purely fascinated with the quirk - Midoriya secretly jotting down notes in his head from afar.

"Wow.. I didn't know your quirk could do that much!", (Y/n) perked over, humming, "Oh, yeah. It's nothing really. I'm just raising a few stats before the training."

Light chatter was amongst the bus, though a conversation from Midoriya and Asui had caught some attention.

"Midoriya, I'm blunt when it comes to me speaking my mind.", she started, turning with her hands in her lap. Her wide mouth having her tounge poke out between her lips. Midoriya snapped away from his thoughts, flushed as he realized Asui had spoken to him, "Y-Yes Asui?.."

"Call me Tsu.", as he nodded, she continued, "I've been thinking.. Your quirk is a lot similar to All Might's.", Midoriya began to break with embarrassment, waving his arms around whilst denying it horribly.

(Y/n) butted in as she closed her inventory, organizing a few things, "All Might doesn't hurt himself, though. They just kind of look the same.", Kirishima followed with an agreement, "Yeah, that is true. Besides, you can do a lot of flashy stuff with your quirk, Midoriya. All I have is hardening."

"What?! Your quirk is super cool, Kirishima! It rivals a lot of other quirks, even if it isn't as common!", Midoriya's encouragement caused him to sheepishly rub his neck, cheeks dusting with blush from shyness.

"Well, you can't forget flashy! That would go to Bakugou and Todoroki, right?", Mina chiped in, pointing towards the two. Denki shook his head, "Well sure, their quirks are cool and all. Though, (L/n)'s quirk is so much cooler!"

(Y/n) tilted her head, confused, "Well sure it's flashy and useful, but the only reason you say that is because I gave you a Mika exclusive magazine-", he coughed loudly, averting his gaze from Kirishima and Mina's disgusted looks - knowing his perverted ways and such.

Asui interrupted, insulting Bakugou, "Sure, Bakugou's quirk is flashy and all, but I don't think he'll get popular.", the formerly embarrassed blond leaned over as he laughed, an insult falling casually off of his lips, "His attitude is like flaming hot garbage mixed with puke!"


"Damn Bakugou, that's kind of gay-"









After the long argument and Aizawa almost kicking them into the sun, they all stood outside of the USJ. Thirteen greeted the class, both Uraraka and Midoriya having a squealing competition - as they were both dedicated fans.

Thirteen went on to explain the activities, situations, and general rules of the rescue training. (Y/n) had her attention upon the upcoming storm of purple at the front. No thoughts held behind her eyes.

A tug at her sleeve pulled her out of her daze, Iida ushering her forward, "Villains, (L/n)! Hurry!", she turned her head, running with Iida as she made eye contact with a pair of red eyes, smiling with pure evil, "Oh shit.. it's the crusty guy from lunch.."


this is basically filler, im gonna try and make the next one more serious.

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