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It was the first day of junior year and Faye Anderson was already running late to her second period physics class

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It was the first day of junior year and Faye Anderson was already running late to her second period physics class. She tried sneaking in the classroom quietly, almost succeeding until the door slammed shut behind her. The eyes of every person in the room shifted to her, including Ms. Johnson.

"Hi, sorry, sorry." She laughed awkwardly, hugging her notebooks to her chest. "Got caught up with pep rally preparations, sorry."

Ms. Johnson smiled politely, "That's alright, Miss Anderson. Take a seat please."

Faye glanced around the classroom, eyes landing on the only empty seat in the back of the classroom next to a girl with dirty blonde hair. She stuck to the edge of the classroom, keeping out of everybody's way as she made it to the empty seat, sitting down with a smile, "Hi, I'm Faye."

"I'm aware." The girl said with a curt nod. "Everyone's aware."

Faye blinked in surprise, "Okay, you know who I am, but I have no idea who you are. I think you should even the score here."

"You actually wanna know who I am?" The girl raised an eyebrow. "Me?"

"I mean, yeah." Faye nodded. "I'm going to be sitting next to you all year, I'd like to know who you are."

"Robin." She said turning back to the front of the classroom. "My name is Robin Buckley."

Faye grinned, "Nice to meet you, Robin."


A month later, Faye sat down with a tray of food next to Robin in the cafeteria, flashing a bright smile, "Hi!"

Robin looked up from her book in surprise as Faye's best friend Vanessa Davidson sat down across from her, "Uh, hi." She glanced around the table. "Did I sit at your table on accident or something?"

"What?" Vanessa blinked, opening her milk. "No, no. This is definitely your table."

"Yeah," Faye twisted the cap off her water bottle. "The guys are busy hyping up Jason which is extremely obnoxious and loud, Steve's having lunch with Nancy in the library, so the only peaceful place to sit is here with you." She paused, turning to look at Robin. "You don't mind, do you?"

"No!" Robin said quickly, shaking her head. "No, I was just surprised that's all."

Vanessa lifted her pizza off the tray, "You better get used to it, odds are we'll be here a lot."

Robin shifted in her seat to look back at their old table, watching the guys talking animatedly with Jason Carver who was sitting on top of the table. It was loud and obnoxious, just as Faye had said it would be. "What are they hyping Jason up for?"

But I'm a Cheerleader {Robin Buckley}Where stories live. Discover now