Chapter 1

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Faye walked down the stairs of the Davidson household, unsurprised to see Vanessa and her mother already in the kitchen, making breakfast

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Faye walked down the stairs of the Davidson household, unsurprised to see Vanessa and her mother already in the kitchen, making breakfast. For the past week and a half, Faye had practically been living with the Davidson's, something that wasn't as uncommon as it should've been. Both of her parents were out of town, her dad being on some fancy business trip her mother didn't want to miss out on. Neither one of them had bothered to ask Faye if she had wanted to go, but that was also nothing new.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?" She asked when she entered the kitchen, sliding onto one of the barstools at the kitchen island. "I could've helped with breakfast."

Vanessa looked up from the plate of pancakes she was making with a snort, "Have you ever tried waking up a bear when it's sleeping?"

"A bear?"

"It's dangerous. Waking you up before you want to be awake is dangerous." She explained, shaking her head. "One time at a sleepover, Sherry tried to wake you up and you threw her off the bed and rolled back over and went to sleep. Thank you, but I'd rather not do that."

Vanessa's mother, Mary, slid Faye a plate of pancakes, "What do you girls have planned for the day?"

Faye gladly cuts into her pancakes, "Mall, maybe?"

"Well," Vanessa shrugs, leaning forward with her mug of coffee. "After we give Heather a ride."

"We're giving Heather a ride?" Faye blinked in surprise. "Since when?"

"Since she called this morning and asked? Her dad had to go into work early and her car's in the shop." Vanessa explained, flashing a cheeky smile. "Maybe if you learned how to wake up when there are loud noises—" Faye stuck her tongue out, rolling her eyes. "Mature. Really."

Mary laughed quietly, shaking her head, "So you're giving Heather a ride to work then going to the mall? You're not going to hang around the pool for the day?"

"Not today, no." Vanessa shook her head. "We have a schedule."

"A schedule?"

Faye nodded, "Yeah, it's the days that the lifeguard on duty is not Billy Hargrove."

Vanessa reached over, giving Faye a high five. Once Heather had gotten the job as a lifeguard at the public pool, the girls had originally planned to spend most of their time lounging by the water, hanging out with their friends while they worked— then Billy had shown up halfway through their first day hanging out poolside. One snarky comment thrown at Vanessa, another flirty line thrown at Faye, and they vowed to never step foot on the property again if Billy was on the schedule.

Mary tilted her head, raising an eyebrow at the girls' high five, "I'd ask what the problem with Billy Hargrove is—"

"How long do you have?" Faye asked.

Vanessa nodded in agreement, "Could take all day."

"You know what, I don't wanna know." Mary sighed, throwing her hands up in the air in surrender. "I'm just gonna finish my breakfast then head to the hospital. You girls have fun today." She kissed Vanessa on the cheek before walking around the counter to kiss Faye on the forehead. "Oh, if you can, please get your father something for lunch. Burger King, whatever. Try to make it somewhat healthy."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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