~{ Chapter 7 }~

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Author POV

"Ugh!..." Wen lian was thrown to the ground after being beaten to death. "Will it be enough sir?" The man who was beating lian brushed his hands off while asking his boss.
Then he smirked signalling the man to leave.

"So you're Wen lian?" He asked.
"So? What do you want?" Lian spat angrily towards him as blood was leaking from the side of his lower lip.
"Nothing much. Just tell me that girl's name who you address as the so called sister of yours." He said.

"And why would I tell you that?" Lian scoffed.
"Well, how about we introduce ourselves first? I'll go first. And I believe if you come to know my back story you would be more than happy to help me and join me." The man spoke in a sweet tone with a fake smile.
"My name is Lin Ji yuan. And I'm a mafia leader of the group 'Black Feather'. And the reason behind why I want to kill Wang xiao Wu is because she has set a trap for my mom. She threatened my mom to that she'll kill her. Because of her threats, my mom's scared. So to protect my mom I have to kill her. Tell me now are you with me or her?" Ji yuan spoke with such pitiful look as if he really deserved Lian's pity. It was easy. It won't take long to win Lian's trust. He smirked at the thought that he has brainwashed lian.
"But....why..why would s-she do that?" Lian spoke, wondering what was the reason Wu kept it a secret whenever she went out to make a call. Maybe she was really talking to Ji yuan's mom to invite her over here and kill her.
No. He would not let her do it. He would not let her kill Ji yuan's mom. He would protect them even if it meant to go against Wu. Wu had betrayed her by hiding behind the mask of being a nice person but inside, she's a beast. He had to do something fast to stop all of Wu's plans.

In the Lin Mansion
Wu had reached there and immediately ran to the basement.
She knew the way around the place. She had been here once, when she was enforced to attend her mom's second marriage.

At Lin mansion: The wedding of Wu's mother
Her cousins were so excited to look around the big mansion. Not caring that Wu was still shocked and so much in sorrow. They still dragged her everywhere in the mansion, being amazed by every decorations that were done and the big, expensive interior design that was there in the mansion.
The walls were decorated with huge paintings and the ceiling was decorated with beautiful chandeliers. It gave a breathtaking view and a royal feeling.
'No wonder mom agreed to marry this rich guy.'
thought Wu when she was there with her cousins.
(And the same thought she is having right now while she is walking down the stairs of the mansion this time.) Even her relatives appreciated her mom's wrong decision of leaving her daughter and marrying for the second time. All the time they were singing praises of Lin Guangzhou and his riches. Maybe they also criticized Wu's father of not being that rich as Lin Guangzhou and that being the reason why his wife divorced him.That his wife left him just because he couldn't make her happy. Wu's father wasn't there. Why would he attend his Ex wife's wedding? but he send his daughters there just so they could see their mom for the last time. But there daughters were rather uninterested. Lee was really mad at her mom and Wu was sitting in the car, silent all the way.
Now her mom must be happy. She would have enough money to make her dreams come true and never come back to see them. She looked at her father with teary eyes and said, "she has left us......f-forever?" And all her dad could do right at the moment was to give her a sad smile. He kissed her daughter's tears away and hugged her tight. He kissed her forehead and said, "So what? Mom has left. But that doesn't mean that my precious daughter is alone. I'm with you. I'll never leave you, no matter what. And always remember, my child, if I'm not around, then I'm always over there." He pointed at her chest, to where her heart was. She slept in her father's embrace that night.

At Lin mansion:
Wu opened the door of the basement and saw lian and ji yuan were over there talking to each other peacefully. She knew Ji yuan. He was his mother's second child. The child of his mother and her second husband, Lin Guangzhou. He was a rich brat. And they both hated each other. In fact, they could kill each other right at the moment when their eyes met if it wasn't lian present there and sitting over there with him.
Ji yuan kept calm. Taking in a sharp breathe to calm his anger. Meanwhile, Wu was clenching her fists tightly controlling herself from beating Ji yuan to death.
Wen lian, noticed and tried to speak in between in order to ease the situation and and calm the atmosphere.

"Oh, Wu. You're finally here. I was waiting for you. Let's go." He said with a happy voice.
Wu looked at him and said, "You go. I'll come in a minute." And turned her gaze back at Ji yuan.
"O-ok then." He obeyed and walked out.
Once they were alone, Wu was the first one to speak, more likely, to shout.
"What did you do?!" She shouted at Ji yuan, making him flinch.
"Jeez, calm down, Wu. Nothing much. I just told him your reality." He smirked.
"You better stay away from him." Wu warned him with a scary voice it was more like if she was threatening him. Which she really was. She would really kill Ji yuan if he tried to play some tricks this time.
"Don't worry. My game has just started." Ji yuan said with an evil grin plastered on his face.
"Go ahead. But keep in mind, I won't let you succeed. Because I'm not a coward either." Wu said and walked out, closing the door with a loud sound.
"Just you wait Wu. I have a nice surprise for you. It would not be so late when I turn everyone against you." He gave a loud psychotic laugh, which echoed in the room, almost as if he had gone crazy.

On the street
"Next time, you should return home by 6 o'clock. And you will not go anywhere after 6 o'clock. Got it?" Wu asked.
"F-fine." Lian said. After a while lian tried to gain some courage and decided to suggest something that he didn't know Wu would hate to listen,"Wu, I-I think Ji yuan is a nice guy. Maybe you should talk to him." He said.
Wu rolled her eyes, stopped walking and looked at him, "He isn't a nice a guy, trust me. I'm sure he told you something absurd about me, which you shouldn't believe one bit because all of that is a lie. And you should stay away from him too. He isn't what he looks like." She said and started walking again.
"But why? Why are you not on good terms with him?" He asked.
"That is a story of another time."she said without looking back, trying to calm her anger. She didn't like that lian was insisting to know everything and asking so much questions. She didn't wanted to tell him. She still wasn't ready to tell lian about her dark past.
She was still walking with lian following behind.
"What do you wanna eat?" Wu asked, trying to change the topic and calming the situation.
"Sandwiches!" Lian spoke happily.
"Ok then." Wu smiled.
"You're not angry with me, right?" Lian asked worriedly.
"No. Just be careful. And try to avoid Ji yuan if he ever comes to bother you. Promise me." Wu said.
"Ok. I-I will. Promise." Lian said.
But he still wasn't sure who he should believe. Ji yuan or Xiao Wu....?

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